Ok. I think I partly get it now. Details follow for anyone who's interested.
To save some time, I grabbed the sample extension from
and it builds and runs fine (note, I've got Ruby installed in /opt/ruby-1.8.4) :
==== snip ====
module-experiment/MyTest$ ruby extconf.rb
creating Makefile
module-experiment/MyTest$ ls
extconf.rb Makefile MyTest.c
module-experiment/MyTest$ make
gcc -fPIC -g -O2 -I. -I/opt/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux
-I/opt/ruby-1.8.4/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux -I. -c MyTest.c
MyTest.c:23:2: warning: no newline at end of file
gcc -shared -L'/opt/ruby-1.8.4/lib' -Wl,-R'/opt/ruby-1.8.4/lib' -o
mytest.so MyTest.o -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
module-experiment/MyTest$ ls -lh mytest.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 8.2K 2006-09-14 02:48 mytest.so
module-experiment/MyTest$ cd ..
module-experiment$ ls
MyTest mytest.rb
module-experiment$ ruby mytest.rb
==== /snip ====
The compile command is simple, though contains some harmless redundancy.
The fancy options in the linker command (this is Linux-/GCC-/ELF-specific) are:
* The "-shared" tells the link-editor to build a shared object (a .so file).
* The "-L" simply tells gcc where it can find libraries to link to at
link-edit time. As you can see from the size of mytest.so (8.2 kB),
it's certainly not statically linking in my libruby-static.a. Note
that in the MyTest.c file, there's at least one call to a rb_foo
function, so I'd think that gcc at least needs to *look* at
* The "-Wl,-R..." option means to pass the "-R'/opt/ruby-1.8.4/lib'"
option to the link-editor. Looking it up (see "man ld"), I see that it
means for the link-editor to add the /opt/ruby-1.8.4/lib directory to
the runtime search path, and also, as the docs say: "The -rpath option
is also used when locating shared objects which are needed by shared
objects explicitly included in the link; see the description of the
-rpath-link option."
* Then there's that "-ldl"...
Anyhow, this is where things are still fuzzy for me (though it could
be that it's 3:30 in the morning). How gcc builds mytest.so so it can
later hook into ruby is probably accomplished by some combination of
that -R option, that libdl.so shared lib (which seems to supply
dlopen()), and maybe even the /opt/ruby-1.8.4/lib/libruby-static.a
static lib. Not sure. Anyway, there seems to be some semi-deep
GNU/Linux magic happening here.
On 9/13/06, Lyle Johnson <lyle.johnson@gmail.com> wrote:
On 9/13/06, John Gabriele <jmg3000@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation Lyle. I'm sorry, but perhaps I was unclear
> (and also still not understanding this). I'm looking to find out the
> mechanism at work *at link-edit time*, when you're building the
> extension module. [snip]
Oh, OK. Well, I can't tell you the *specific* arguments because
they're highly platform-dependent. But the easiest way (IMO) to find
out what they should be is to write an extconf.rb script (a standard
fixture for any Ruby extension) and then run that. [snip]