Building a gallery layout

Ive been trying to build a gallery layout for images. let say i have an
object of upto 25 images (results from an activerecord query) that I want to
display on a 5x5 grid but put blanks in the spaces should the result only
have say 13 images in the result. I need to make a table and have it do all
the table rows and columns based on the number f items returned in the ar
object. Does anyone have a quick exaple or a little pseudocode to help me
along. Obviously Im fairly new to ruby so be gentle please. thanks


Are you talking about an HTML table, or some other output/layout

html table ideally



On 8/31/05, Phrogz <> wrote:

Are you talking about an HTML table, or some other output/layout

psuedo code from the top of my head

counter = 0

for each array
   puts "<tr>"
   for each array[y]
      if ( pictures[ counter ] ) exists
         puts "<td>" + image code + "</td>"
         puts "<td></td>"
      counter ++
   puts "</tr>"

Ok, so that would basically get you there. a better way might exist,
but that is my first instinct.

Hope that helps



On 8/31/05, Phrogz <> wrote:

Are you talking about an HTML table, or some other output/layout

an array-less way to do it

counter = 0

5.times do
    puts "<tr>"
    5.times do
       if ( pictures[ counter ] ) exists
          puts "<td>" + image code + "</td>"
          puts "<td></td>"
       counter ++
    puts "</tr>"

I think that is almost legal ruby code. I'm new to ruby, so I don't
know exactly. There is probably an even better way of doing this.
I'm really gray on ruby array handling

ok here is what i did may not be the most elegant but it works. thanks for
the help. any Ideas to make it better are welcome.

<% counter = 0 %>
<% 5.times do %>
<% 5.times do %>
<% if @systems[counter] %>
<td><%= @systems[counter] %></td>
<td><%= @systems[counter].model %></td>
<td><%= @systems[counter].sid %></td>
<td><%= @systems[counter].sm_img %></td>
<% for price in @systems[counter].prices %>
<td><%= price.price %></td>
<td><%= price.store_name %></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<% counter+=1 %>
<% end %>
<% end %>



On 8/31/05, Josh Charles <> wrote:

an array-less way to do it

counter = 0

5.times do
puts "<tr>"
5.times do
if ( pictures[ counter ] ) exists
puts "<td>" + image code + "</td>"
puts "<td></td>"
counter ++
puts "</tr>"

I think that is almost legal ruby code. I'm new to ruby, so I don't
know exactly. There is probably an even better way of doing this.
I'm really gray on ruby array handling