Bindings at the time of Exceptions

I always thought it would be neat to be able to get the binding at the
time an exception was raised so that one could see the state the stack
was in when an exception occurred.

It would be nice list the local variables and values at the time of the
exception for instance. Can anyone think of some trickery to do this?
I think it would be of great use for debugging and whatnot, and
massive points for cool ruby hackery :wink:
聽聽.adam sanderson

Adam Sanderson wrote:

I always thought it would be neat to be able to get the binding at the
time an exception was raised so that one could see the state the stack
was in when an exception occurred.

It would be nice list the local variables and values at the time of the
exception for instance. Can anyone think of some trickery to do this?
I think it would be of great use for debugging and whatnot, and
massive points for cool ruby hackery :wink:
  .adam sanderson

No trickery, but you do have to have the cooperation of the code which

def foo
  a = "value of a"
  raise StandardError, binding

def bar
rescue => e
  return e.message

b = bar

p b

p eval("a", b)
p eval("local_variables", b)



"value of a"


      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Adam Sanderson wrote:

I always thought it would be neat to be able to get the binding at the
time an exception was raised so that one could see the state the stack
was in when an exception occurred.

Note, that you can view the stack trace already with standard means:

10:11:06 [c]: ruby -e 'def f() raise "error" end; begin;f;rescue Exception
=> e; puts e.backtrace; end'
-e:1:in `f'

It would be nice list the local variables and values at the time of
the exception for instance. Can anyone think of some trickery to do
this? I think it would be of great use for debugging and whatnot, and
massive points for cool ruby hackery :wink:
  .adam sanderson

See Joel's solution.

Kind regards


Hello Adam,

I always thought it would be neat to be able to get the binding at the
time an exception was raised so that one could see the state the stack
was in when an exception occurred.

It would be nice list the local variables and values at the time of the
exception for instance. Can anyone think of some trickery to do this?
I think it would be of great use for debugging and whatnot, and
massive points for cool ruby hackery :wink:
  .adam sanderson

Yes indeed and it is not possible with standart ruby at the moment.

But if you want it, then download ArachnoRuby from

It just does what you want and it also automatically starts a post mortem
debugger when an unhandled exception terminats the program. So it is
easy to inspect the values.


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

No trickery, but you do have to have the cooperation of the code which

And just for fun, because it's late here...

def foo
  a = "value of a"
  cc = nil
  if a
    raise StandardError, binding
    return "normally"

def bar
rescue => e
  return e.message

b = bar

case b
when Binding
  eval("a=nil", b)
  eval("cc", b).call
  puts "Exiting #{b}"


      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Well that's the trick of course :wink: Being able to view the variables
without explicity entering the binding when you create the exception.

I tried to think of some way to overide raise in the Kernel and add
some functionality to Exception, but didn't really get anywhere.