Binary in "big endian" representation


I would like to convert an input (like a file, or a password) into
binary format. After reading my Ruby in a nutshell book, I belive I can
use this method:

But do the binary representation will respect the big endian convention?

Thank you.



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Hi --


I would like to convert an input (like a file, or a password) into
binary format. After reading my Ruby in a nutshell book, I belive I can
use this method:

But do the binary representation will respect the big endian convention?

I can't quite picture what you want the result to be. unpack will give
you an array. Did you want to do something with that?

I'll add that pack and unpack have a bunch of endian-specific
arguments, and also there's the BitStruct package by Joel VanderWerf
(BitStruct I think is where it still
lives) which might help you out.



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