BInary Files

Hi I'm pretty new to Ruby and writing code in general. That being said
Im trying to learn how to create and modify(by a percentage) a binary
file. Any advise or pointers would be apprieciated.


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Gene Vincent wrote:

Hi I'm pretty new to Ruby and writing code in general. That being said
Im trying to learn how to create and modify(by a percentage) a binary
file. Any advise or pointers would be apprieciated.

My personal view, is that binary files should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Being able to look through the contents of a file and eyeball what's wrong is incredibly useful. That being said, if you absolutely need to write binary, take a look at the documentation for the Array#pack method. That should give you a nice starting point.



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Gene Vincent wrote:

Hi I'm pretty new to Ruby and writing code in general. That being said
Im trying to learn how to create and modify(by a percentage) a binary
file. Any advise or pointers would be apprieciated.

As noted, Array#pack is useful. If you want a DSL that fills in some gaps in pack, try this:\.


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Michael Malone wrote:

Gene Vincent wrote:

Hi I'm pretty new to Ruby and writing code in general. That being said
Im trying to learn how to create and modify(by a percentage) a binary
file. Any advise or pointers would be apprieciated.

My personal view, is that binary files should be avoided unless
absolutely necessary. Being able to look through the contents of a file
and eyeball what's wrong is incredibly useful. That being said, if you
absolutely need to write binary, take a look at the documentation for
the Array#pack method. That should give you a nice starting point.


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sadly yes I do have to use some binary files for the test im trying to
run, but thank you very much for the info.


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"Joel VanderWerf" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

As noted, Array#pack is useful. If you want a DSL that fills in some
gaps in pack, try this:\.

That's a really nice lib.

Is any Lib out there which realizes a bit-stream?

Michael Bruschkewitz wrote:

"Joel VanderWerf" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

As noted, Array#pack is useful. If you want a DSL that fills in some
gaps in pack, try this:\.

That's a really nice lib.

Is any Lib out there which realizes a bit-stream?

what would that do?


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

"Joel VanderWerf" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Michael Bruschkewitz wrote:

Is any Lib out there which realizes a bit-stream?

what would that do?

Writing output bit-wise to a (ex.) string. Read back.
Convert to/from char-array.

    a,b,c,d values of different bit-size
    a is a flag is 1 bit long,
    b is 5 bit long, c is 7 bit long.
    d is 3 bit long.
It should be possible:
    bs << a << (1==a ? b : c) << d
    bs >> a >> (1==a ? b : c) >> d

After insertion, bs should contain following bits (p is padding):
    1bbb bbdd dppp pppp
    0ccc cccc dddp pppp.

Other example would be var-length array of 5-bit values followed by var-length array of 13-bit structs.

Use case: ASN.1 and similar formats.

Michael Bruschkewitz wrote:

Is any Lib out there which realizes a bit-stream?

It would be nice for ruby to have some bit operation primitives like extract(start_bit, n_bits) and insert and so on. Then bit stream ops could be built op from these. The former would make a nice C ext...


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

"Joel VanderWerf" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Michael Bruschkewitz wrote:

Is any Lib out there which realizes a bit-stream?

It would be nice for ruby to have some bit operation primitives like
extract(start_bit, n_bits) and insert and so on. Then bit stream ops
could be built op from these. The former would make a nice C ext...

I did some rudimentary work (enough for my purposes) here:

There is no optimisation at all, just made it work.

I would prefer not to use a C-Extension unless it would be part of Ruby standard library.

IMHO, there are enough possibilities to optimize in Ruby.
For example, it is not necessary to analyze the values bit by bit.
Instead, if the current buffer byte contains already 1 bit from former output operations, remaining 7 bits, these 7 bits could be copied at once.
It breaks down to shift the value to be written by some bits (if even necessary), "or"-ing current buffer byte and assinging rest of output bytes to buffer.
I did similar work some years before in Modula.
Depending on output buffer representation (byte, word, dword, qword, Array, String, Bignum), this could be very effective even in Ruby.

So, fitting into the general performance landscape, an implementation done in Ruby would be enough, because the values to be written will - most probably - be prepared in Ruby too.

Michael B.