It would be interesting to have performance comparisons of the various
idioms in common use.
In these examples, however, it's not surprising that the first loop (without
>>=) would be faster. It's not doing anything really. The second involves
testing wether the variable is defined or not, every iteration.
Yep. I wrote it b/c I wanted to know *how much* slower using ||= is.
The issue is one of relevance though. Of course using ||= is slower
than simply taking whatever value is in the variable, but why do you
care in the first place?
If you just wanted to take the value of a variable, you would never use
= in the first place. If you have a need to assign a value to the
variable only if it's not already defined though, then you need ||= or
one of its less idiomatic equivalents.
The point of comparison profiling like this is to find ways to improve
your code without changing its ultimate function. Your comparison here
compares two fundamentally different operations. A more relevant
comparison would be as follows:
n = 1000000
puts "#{n} Times"
t =
@c = :c
n.times do
@c = :c unless @c
puts " Optional set then get (verbose) : #{ - t} seconds"
t =
@b = :b
n.times do
@b = @b || :b
puts "Optional set then get (less verbose) : #{ - t} seconds"
t =
n.times do
@a ||= :a
puts " Optional set then get (idiomatic) : #{ - t} seconds"
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18) [i386-mingw32]
1000000 Times
Optional set then get (verbose) : 0.125004 seconds
Optional set then get (less verbose) : 0.140628 seconds
Optional set then get (idiomatic) : 0.156254 seconds
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299) [i386-mingw32]
1000000 Times
Optional set then get (verbose) : 0.20313 seconds
Optional set then get (less verbose) : 0.218756 seconds
Optional set then get (idiomatic) : 0.187505 seconds
In this light, the idiomatic method compares favorably; however, I do
find it odd that Ruby 1.9.2 seems to take a hit on the relative
performance of the idiomatic method as compared to Ruby 1.8.7.
On 10/7/2010 8:28 AM, Intransition wrote:
On Oct 7, 12:57 am, Ammar Ali <> wrote: