Found a strange piece of code I haven't run into before.
def redirect_to_directory_uri(req, res)
if req.path[-1] != ?/
location = req.path + "/"
if req.query_string && req.query_string.size > 0
location << "?" << req.query_string
res.set_redirect(HTTPStatus::MovedPermanently, location)
It's the "?/" on the second line that I don't understand. The only other
place I can find this is in one of the required files (used in the same
way) or at the end of a regular expression, but this is clearly not. I
have no idea what it is. Can anybody help?
Found a strange piece of code I haven't run into before.
def redirect_to_directory_uri(req, res)
if req.path[-1] != ?/
location = req.path + "/"
if req.query_string && req.query_string.size > 0
location << "?" << req.query_string
res.set_redirect(HTTPStatus::MovedPermanently, location)
It's the "?/" on the second line that I don't understand. The only other
place I can find this is in one of the required files (used in the same
way) or at the end of a regular expression, but this is clearly not. I
have no idea what it is. Can anybody help?