I need help with one question i am not able to figure out what it
exactly is can anyone help me with that and explain me if possible.
Question : Given that SUPERCLASS returns nil when called on BasicObject
but a non-nil value otherwise,write a ruby method that if passed any
object will print the objects class and its ancestor classes all the way
up to BasicObject.
But if you are just willing a help at constructing the loop to iterate
through each superclass until it gets a nil...
The code will be something like this.
def superclasses(object)
super_classes =
current_class = object.class
super_classes.push current_class
while current_class.superclass # When on BasicObject it will return
nil breaking the loop
current_class = current_class.superclass
super_classes.push current_class
# Writing it with while one line syntax
def superclasses(object)
super_classes =
current_class = object.class
super_classes.push current_class
super_classes.push current_class while current_class =
Best regards,
Abinoam Jr.
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Arun kant sharma <iarunkant@gmail.com> wrote:
But if you are just willing a help at constructing the loop to iterate
through each superclass until it gets a nil...
The code will be something like this.
def superclasses(object)
super_classes =
current_class = object.class
super_classes.push current_class
while current_class.superclass # When on BasicObject it will return
nil breaking the loop
current_class = current_class.superclass
super_classes.push current_class
Abinoam Jr. Thank you so much
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Arun kant sharma <iarunkant@gmail.com> > wrote: