yes, but I have that many expressions that are 50-70 chars long, that I
would need hundreds of chars in one line for the expression, which is
neither good style nor readable. The text of my mail was just an example to
show the ruggedness:)))
I made a few improvements… what do you think?
ruby a.rb
BAD: do DrUgS… experience new things
BAD: play on casino and win big money
OK: pleasure with Ruby. BTW: its free
BAD: buy viagra
BAD: christina agulera caught backstage
BAD: britney spears
BAD: get your university diploma here
expand -t2 a.rb
input = <<WORDS
vicodin viagra sildenafil citrate xanax xnax valium norco levsitra
cialis phentermine aseptic pharmacy medication pharmaceuticals? medical
meds drugs
mortgages? cable_bils? life_insurance busines_ofers? casino
britney_spears christina_agulera
lines = input.to_a
remove comments
lines.delete_if {|line| line.match(/^#/)}
transform lines into words
words = lines.inject() {|result, line| result + line.split(/\s/) }
replace underscores with spaces!{|word| word.gsub!(/_/, ’ '); word}
words.delete_if {|word| word == ‘’}
#p words
lets make a big regexp
regexp_str ={|word| Regexp.escape(word)}.join(‘|’)
regexp =, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
#p regexp.inspect
testdata = [
“do DrUgS… experience new things”,
“play on casino and win big money”,
“pleasure with Ruby. BTW: its free”,
“buy viagra”,
“christina agulera caught backstage”,
“britney spears”,
“get your university diploma here”
testdata.each do |str|
res = regexp.match(str) ? “BAD” : " OK"
puts “#{res}: #{str}”
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 21:34:19 +0200, Christian Kaiser wrote:
Simon Strandgaard