In <8311b2d9-35ea-4ff9-a294-8872eb52dbfa@c65g2000hsa.googlegroups.com>
"Re: Atom & the Standard Library RSS Module" on Sat, 5 Apr 2008 20:45:06 +0900,
> Please show an example.
Sorry, I got tangled up in my own wishes. My problem with the library
was just in my head. I suppose I was just hoping for a more consistent
representation of a feed than I've had to deal with in the past. I
know that what is generated by RSS/ATOM parsing libraries is a
reflection of the feeds themselves.
Anyway, a few examples of what bugs me, demonstrated in irb:
require 'rss'
rss = 'http://www.giftedslacker.com/feed/'
atom = 'http://oblivionation.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default'
rssfeed = RSS::Parser.parse(rss)
atomfeed = RSS::Parser.parse(atom)
You can normalize parsed feed by to_rss, to_atom or
to_xml. For example:
rss10feed = atomfeed.to_rss("1.0")
You may need to set default value:
rss10feed = atomfeed.to_rss("1.0") do |maker|
maker.channel.about ||= maker.channel.link
maker.channel.description ||= "No description"
maker.items.each do |item|
item.title ||= "UNKNOWN"
item.link ||= "UNKNOWN"
#print the content of the most recent post
puts rssfeed.items[0].content_encoded
puts atomfeed.items[0].content.content
#print the titles of the posts in the feed
rssfeed.items.each {|item| puts item.title}
atomfeed.items.each {|item| puts item.title.content}
#print the author of the most recent post
The atom specification says that all atom element may have
xml:base and xml:lang attributes. If
RSS::Entry::Author#name returns a String, we can't
get such attribute values. This is why
RSS::Entry::Author#name returns an
RSS::Entry::Author::Name not a String.
BTW, what about the following API?
atomfeed.entries[0].author.name # => a String
atomfeed.entries[0].author.name do |name|
# name: a RSS::Entry::Author::Name
name.content # => a String
end # => the last evaluated value (name.content)
grant <gaustin@gmail.com> wrote:
On 5 Apr, 01:29, Kouhei Sutou <k...@cozmixng.org> wrote: