AST for ruby code

I want AST for the following code as it is given below. I have install
ruby_parser 1.0 on my system. We are able to parse string using
""1+1 = 2")" and the result is " s(:str, "1+1=2")".
But how I can parse the full source file(given below)?

Further, whenever I try to parse the string containing class or def in
it, it gives error (it means, it is parsing C code not ruby) I have also
attached the screenshot for this problem. Please also guide us in this

Ruby Code:

class TestClass

     def method1(a,b)
        sum = a + b
        puts sum

     def method2(*c)
        l = c.length
        puts l

Desired AST Tree:

s(:class, :TestClass, s(:const, :Object), s(:defn, :method1, s(:scope,
s(:block, s(:args, :a, :b), s(:lasgn, :sum, s(:call, s(:lvar, :a), :+,
s(:array, s(:lvar, :b)))), s(:fcall, :puts, s(:array, s(:lvar,
:sum)))))), s(:defn, :method2, s(:scope, s(:block, s(:args, :"*c"),
s(:lasgn, :l, s(:call, s(:lvar, :c), :length)), s(:fcall, :puts,
s(:array, s(:lvar, :l)))))))



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On line 14 of your sample you're starting a block (well, not
actually), just replace the |file| just just file and see if it works.



On Jun 9, 1:09 pm, John Micheal <> wrote:

I want AST for the following code as it is given below. I have install
ruby_parser 1.0 on my system. We are able to parse string using
""1+1 = 2")" and the result is " s(:str, "1+1=2")".
But how I can parse the full source file(given below)?

Further, whenever I try to parse the string containing class or def in
it, it gives error (it means, it is parsing C code not ruby) I have also
attached the screenshot for this problem. Please also guide us in this

Ruby Code:

class TestClass

 def method1\(a,b\)
    sum = a \+ b
    puts sum

 def method2\(\*c\)
    l = c\.length
    puts l


Desired AST Tree:

s(:class, :TestClass, s(:const, :Object), s(:defn, :method1, s(:scope,
s(:block, s(:args, :a, :b), s(:lasgn, :sum, s(:call, s(:lvar, :a), :+,
s(:array, s(:lvar, :b)))), s(:fcall, :puts, s(:array, s(:lvar,
:sum)))))), s(:defn, :method2, s(:scope, s(:block, s(:args, :"*c"),
s(:lasgn, :l, s(:call, s(:lvar, :c), :length)), s(:fcall, :puts,
s(:array, s(:lvar, :l)))))))


Luis Lavena

But how I can parse the full source file(given below)?

Further, whenever I try to parse the string containing class or def in
it, it gives error (it means, it is parsing C code not ruby) I have also

because you're throwing individual lines at the parser when it expects complete source."class Blah") is not valid ruby.


On Jun 9, 2008, at 04:09 , John Micheal wrote:

You are trying to parse it line by line but it won't work in that way.
Just parse whole file:

sexp ="readline.rb"))


Radosław Bułat - mój blog

Radosław Bułat wrote:


You are trying to parse it line by line but it won't work in that way.
Just parse whole file:

sexp ="readline.rb"))

Rados�aw Bu�at - m�j blog

One more help from you that this code is working perfectly on Ruby IDE,
can u tell me how does it works on Ruby Rail. Because when i run it
using ruby on rails, it is not displaying anything and also no errors.
Even I have properly include rubygems and ruby_parser.

Even Rails server stops working

require "rubygems"
require "ruby_parser"

sexpfaulty1 ="faulty_0.rb"))


<%= sexpfaulty1 %>
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