I’ve written an article, “Using the Ruby DBI Module,” that discusses
using Ruby DBI to write programs that access databases. The article
is available here:
I’d be interested in feedback, especially corrections if there
are errors.
The article follows an earlier one, "Using the Ruby MySQL Module,"
that describes the lower-level module on which the Ruby DBI MySQL
driver is based. The earlier article is available at the same site.
Paul: I'll learn much from this article. However -- and this is a nit --
technical writers shouldn't use 'will' for events occurring as the result
of present actions. Also, avoid the use of the passive voice.
Here, I will assume that the MySQL module is installed
Here, I assume that the MySQL module is installed
I assume that the MySQL module is installed
without that line, DBI methods will fail.
without that line, DBI methods fail.
(Should another exception occur, it will be passed back to Ruby itself
for processing.)
(Should another exception occur, it is passed back to Ruby itself
for processing.)
(Should another exception occur, the program passes it back to Ruby
itself for processing.)
The array will be empty if the query
The array is empty if the query
The array is empty when the query