Arrays and Hashes processing :pls help

hi friends

i have a long array with structure like this

[["377", "838"],
["377", "990"],
["377", "991"],
["377", "992"],
["378", "840"],
["378", "841"],
["378", "842"],
["378", "843"],
["378", "844"]]

how can i convert it in one line to

[["377", "838 990 991 992"],
["378", "840 841 842 843 844"]]

if thats diificult is the below array processable in one line

[{"prefix"=>"838", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"990", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"991", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"992", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"840", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"841", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"842", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"843", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"844", "scf_id"=>"378"}]

in this form

[{"prefix"=>"838 990 991 992", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"840 841 842 843 844", "scf_id"=>"378"}]

pls help


Posted via

hi friends

i have a long array with structure like this

[["377", "838"],
["377", "990"],
["377", "991"],
["377", "992"],
["378", "840"],
["378", "841"],
["378", "842"],
["378", "843"],
["378", "844"]]

how can i convert it in one line to

[["377", "838 990 991 992"],
["378", "840 841 842 843 844"]]

if thats diificult is the below array processable in one line

[{"prefix"=>"838", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"990", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"991", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"992", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"840", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"841", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"842", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"843", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"844", "scf_id"=>"378"}]

in this form

[{"prefix"=>"838 990 991 992", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"840 841 842 843 844", "scf_id"=>"378"}]

I don't understand the need for one line, but.... Also, why an array of
hashes? why not a hash?

if your array of hashes is referenced by h, then:
out = h.inject({}) {|s,v| x=s[v["scf_id"]] || ""; s[v["scf_id"]]="#{x}

that (above) gives you a hash with distinct values of scf_id referencing
prefixes. That said, you can do the following if you *must* have an
out = (h.inject({}) {|s,v| x=s[v["scf_id"]] || ""; s[v["scf_id"]]="#{x}

It's ugly. Not maintainable.

Why the need for one line?


On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 01:58 +0900, Jags Rao wrote:

pls help

Why in a single line?




On 12.02.2009 17:58, Jags Rao wrote:

i have a long array with structure like this

[["377", "838"],
["377", "990"],
["377", "991"],
["377", "992"],
["378", "840"],
["378", "841"],
["378", "842"],
["378", "843"],
["378", "844"]]

how can i convert it in one line to

a = [["377", "838"],
["377", "990"],
["377", "991"],
["377", "992"],
["378", "840"],
["378", "841"],
["378", "842"],
["378", "843"],
["378", "844"]]{};a.each{|x,y|h+=[y]};{|x,y|[x,y.join(" ")]}
    ==>[["377", "838 990 991 992"], ["378", "840 841 842 843 844"]]


On Feb 12, 10:58 am, Jags Rao <> wrote:

hi friends

i have a long array with structure like this

[["377", "838"],
["377", "990"],
["377", "991"],
["377", "992"],
["378", "840"],
["378", "841"],
["378", "842"],
["378", "843"],
["378", "844"]]

how can i convert it in one line to

[["377", "838 990 991 992"],
["378", "840 841 842 843 844"]]

if thats diificult is the below array processable in one line

[{"prefix"=>"838", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"990", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"991", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"992", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"840", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"841", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"842", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"843", "scf_id"=>"378"},
{"prefix"=>"844", "scf_id"=>"378"}]

in this form

[{"prefix"=>"838 990 991 992", "scf_id"=>"377"},
{"prefix"=>"840 841 842 843 844", "scf_id"=>"378"}]

pls help
Posted via

original_array = [["377", "838"],
["377", "990"],
["377", "991"],
["377", "992"],
["378", "840"],
["378", "841"],
["378", "842"],
["378", "843"],
["378", "844"]]

new_array = original_array.group_by {|x| x[0]}.map {|k,v| [k, v.join(" ")]}


On 2/12/09, Jags Rao <> wrote:

hi friends

i have a long array with structure like this

[["377", "838"],
["377", "990"],
["377", "991"],
["377", "992"],
["378", "840"],
["378", "841"],
["378", "842"],
["378", "843"],
["378", "844"]]

how can i convert it in one line to

[["377", "838 990 991 992"],
["378", "840 841 842 843 844"]]

hi guys
thank u so much for the help.
no issues with a multi line solution also



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