I'm a novice programmer who is just starting out in Ruby. I've been
playing around with arrays and have run into a problem:
This works:
array = [3,2,1]
puts array.sort
BUT this doesn't (error attached):
nums = Array.new
numplays = 5
numplays.times do
for values in 1..5
ball = rand(56)
redo if ball == 0 || nums.include?(ball)
nums [values] = ball
puts nums.join(',')
puts nums.sort
Can anyone shed light on this newby?
So what you are attempting to do is generate 25 random numbers between 1
and 55, with no duplicates?
The problem you are having is that when you get a number, you insert it
into the array at slots 1,2,3,4 and 5. But your array is actually a 0
based index. The first slot is nums[0]. That means when you do your
sort you are sorting for instance [nil,2,32,1,44,26] which is an array
of size 6, and nil doesn't compare with an integer via the <=> operator.
The simpliest way to solve your issue is to change:
for values in 1..5
5.times do |values|
If you want to change it up even more and not have to 'redo' then you
might change nums to a Hash and use its keys to hold the 'ball' values
nums = {}
while nums.size < 5 do
ball = rand(55) + 1 # gives a value 1..55
nums[ball] = ball # put ball into the hash
puts num.keys.sort.join(',')
It appears the basic problem you are doing is to choose 5 distinct
numbers from 1..55 N times. You may want to look at this ruby quiz for
interesting items:
Ruby Quiz - Sampling (#39)
On Wed, Aug 29, 2007 at 10:39:21PM +0900, Mark Ransom wrote:
Jeremy Hinegardner jeremy@hinegardner.org