"David A. Black" <dblack@wobblini.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Hi --
> "Charles Comstock" <cc1@cec.wustl.edu> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > I find myself frequently using array slice of 1..-1, to pass the rest
> an
> > array onto something. While this is a reasonably concise syntax it is
> the
> > most readable. I was curious if there had ever been interest in a
> operator
> > on an array?
> >
> > For example
> >
> > a = [1,2,3,4]
> > a[1..-1] # -> [2,3,4]
> > a.rest # -> [2,3,4]
> >
> > I realize this might cause a few people to write programs in a more
> > processing stance, for which the current arrays are probably not best
> suited.
> > However, the majority of the times I use this operator is for say
> in a
> > command as a the first arg, and passing the rest of the elements as
> > parameters, and thus it would not be a performance issue. Rest should
> also have
> > the same copy symantics as the 1..-1 slice.
> >
> > Any particular objections to this? Should I make this an RCR?
> If you want to do something about this I'd prefer a symmetric solution
> Array#head and Array#tail or Array#car and Array#cdr.
I agree, though my first choice would be just to keep it as is. I'm
not entirely sure why... it could just be jitters about creeping
method multiplication, though I do try not to confuse RCRs in my mind
with RCs
> Btw: is "rest" in English the same as in German? I always thought
> rather means "pause" than "reminder"...
Darn! Yes, of course I meant "remainder".
It has several meanings (it can be
equivalent to "Ruhe"), including "remainder": "While he stayed, the
rest of us went home."
Ah, yes. Forgot that one. It sounded odd at first sight but this example
feels perfectly ok.
But when you want to emphasize that everything
except what remains has been destroyed, you would say, e.g., "the
remains of the building". (As opposed to: "They painted the second
floor but not the rest of the building.")
Thanks for the lengthy explanation (or was it "expiration"? :-))))
On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, Robert Klemme wrote: