I think these are just the same. Indeed, the object creation ( or
Array.new) happens only once. To have distinct arrays in every slot of
foo you need something like
If you come to this code, by looking at the Array documentation where
the example
Array.new(2, Hash.new) » [{}, {}]
is given, I agree that this documentation is misleading for beginners.
On 4/25/05, Dave Baldwin <dave.baldwin@3dlabs.com> wrote:
On 25 Apr 2005, at 13:36, Jamie Hodkinson wrote:
> Just had something unexpected - is this the correct behaviour?
> foo = Array.new(3,Array.new)
> foo[0] << 4
> foo[1] << 5
> foo[0] << 6
> p foo
> outputs...
> [[4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6]]
> I realise what's happening here, and might have expected it if the
> first line was
> foo = Array.new(3,)
> I'm left with doing this:
> foo = (1..3).collect { }
> which doesn't exactly raise my heartbeat. Any other options?
Nearly: with Array.new you cannot provide a list of values like with -
but apart from that: yes, "" is syntactical sugar for "Array.new"
followed by some element additions.
Indeed, the object creation ( or
Array.new) happens only once.
That's the crucial part to understand: "" or "Array.new" is an argument
to a method invocation (Array.new) so it's evaluated *once before* the
method is invoked and the second parameter is bound to this value.
Perfectly logical and reasonable.
To have distinct arrays in every slot of
foo you need something like
If you come to this code, by looking at the Array documentation where
the example
Array.new(2, Hash.new) » [{}, {}]
is given, I agree that this documentation is misleading for beginners.
Though even then, it would appear (to someone wanting the specific functionality of the OP, and probably 'most' cases) that the parameter is used as a template, with .dup used for each instance. I think the example should illustrate that the objects are in fact the same, and discuss the end result each has:
If you come to this code, by looking at the Array documentation where
the example
Array.new(2, Hash.new) » [{}, {}]
is given, I agree that this documentation is misleading for beginners.
"Gavin Kistner" <gavin@refinery.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> If you come to this code, by looking at the Array documentation where
>> the example
>> Array.new(2, Hash.new) » [{}, {}]
>> is given, I agree that this documentation is misleading for
> Yep, true. Probably a better example would be
>>> Array.new(2, {"foo"=>"bar"})
> => [{"foo"=>"bar"}, {"foo"=>"bar"}]
Though even then, it would appear (to someone wanting the specific
functionality of the OP, and probably 'most' cases) that the parameter
is used as a template, with .dup used for each instance.
I think the
example should illustrate that the objects are in fact the same, and
discuss the end result each has:
Better yet, I think Array.new in the -w mode should check if it got called with a second argument that responds to "each" or
perhaps to "=" and warn. I can't think of any meaningful use for Array.new(n, Array.new) or of any use where a container is given
as a default argument of an array in such a manner.
And the same should apply to Hash.new.
Just about any newbie (especially with Perl background) runs into this, I think. I know I did.
On Apr 25, 2005, at 10:44 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:
"Gavin Kistner" <gavin@refinery.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
On Apr 25, 2005, at 8:09 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:
If you come to this code, by looking at the Array documentation where
the example
Array.new(2, Hash.new) » [{}, {}]
is given, I agree that this documentation is misleading for
Yep, true. Probably a better example would be
Array.new(2, {"foo"=>"bar"})
=> [{"foo"=>"bar"}, {"foo"=>"bar"}]
Though even then, it would appear (to someone wanting the specific
functionality of the OP, and probably 'most' cases) that the parameter
is used as a template, with .dup used for each instance.
I think the
example should illustrate that the objects are in fact the same, and
discuss the end result each has: