Florian Kaufmann <sensorflo@gmail.com> writes:
The documentation of the standard classes/methods never mention of
what type/class an argument must be. For example let's look at the
subscript of an Array. There is the form "array[index]". But of what
Type must the index object be?
The ruby book tells me that programming ruby, types doesn't matter so
much, what matters is to what messages an object responds. Thus I
tried the following, thinking that to_i is needed so an object can be
used as an subscript index.
Indeed, it would be nice if the arguments "duck type" was documented.
class C
def to_i
c = C.new
a = [0,1,2]
p a[c]
It doesn't work however:
./test:12:in `': can't convert C into Integer (TypeError)
from ./test:12
So to which messages must C respond so objects of it can be used as
array index?
In this case, probably it's not the result of a given method that is
used to index the array, but the argument itself! So you are probably
expected to give integers as arguments, and no visible message is sent.
You would have to check the sources of ruby.
But let's make a thought experiment, let's implement Array.at using
Memory and Integer:
(class Array
(def initialize( ... )
(@size = ...)
(@addressOfArray = (Memory.allocate @size))
(def addressOf(index)
(@addressOfArray + index)
(def at(index)
(if (> 0 index)
(index = (@size - index))
(if (> 0 index)
elsif (<= @size index)
(Memory.load (self . addressOf index))
Basically, the index should behave as an integer, but in this
pseudo-implementation it is not sent any message. It is passed as
argument to Integer.+, Integer.-, Integer.>, Integer.<= ; perhaps
these methods send some message to the index object, you'd have to
check Ruby sources to know. Perhaps they only use the _identity_ of
the argument to let the processor compute the result, without sending
any message.
__Pascal Bourguignon__