Hey guys and gals,
Check out slashdot for some great April fool’s jokes. It’s hilarious.
Here are the headlines:
Spoiler warning…
Slashdot headlines below.
(in case you want to read them from slashdot or elsewhere).
“Gnome is closing the source to be able to support tcpa and palladium.
The gnomemeeting PRO version will be available for $50 tomorrow and GPL
version will be discontinued.” -
“BSDs to be Merged”
“New security measures are being suggested (see RFC 3514) for the IPv4
header. The measures include a bit that can be set and unset according
to whether the packet is secure or not.” -
“ThinkGeek.com is now selling the new George Foreman USB iGrill This
grill is computer controlled, accesible over the internet, and is
powered by USB.” -
Enlightenment goes 1.0
New Whitespace-Only Programming Language.
Gentoo Linux Rethinks Package Management System.
Daniel Carrera
Graduate Teaching Assistant. Math Dept.
University of Maryland. (301) 405-5137
coadunate: coadunate (ko-AJ-uh-nit, -nayt) adjective
United by growth; closely joined.
----- End forwarded message -----
Daniel Carrera
Graduate Teaching Assistant. Math Dept.
University of Maryland. (301) 405-5137
coadunate: coadunate (ko-AJ-uh-nit, -nayt) adjective
United by growth; closely joined.