Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:
>> But I have no enough topic to talk about that for 40 mins full.
>Unless you've given this presentation before, time estimates can be hard >to get right. You may end up running longer than you think.
Don't underestimate the language barrier.
I know exactly what he feels.
Be nice to him, please, conference attenders.
Well, OK, since you asked so nicely.
Having people pose questions here in advance should be a big help, so if folks can think of anything, please speak up.
I saw Dan Sugalski give a talk in Parrot at local Perl users group, and the topic of VMs can get quite deep.
Selection of architecture, byte code set, the compilation process; stuff I used to know more about, once upon a college time, but has faded from memory
It's going to be a challenge as it is, with the language barrier, so any suggested topic or question should be quite useful. It's often hard to know in advance just how familiar your audience is with your topic, and it's tough to walk the line between stating the obvious and baffling the crowd.
As for my questions, while I think a VM talk should probably explain why one would bother, I also think we all have god ideas as to why this is a Good Thing. And I'd be curious to know why the design does or doesn't target an existing or expected VM/byte-code-set. But really I want to understand the thinking process that lets one take an interpreted language and move it to a VM.
In message "Re: Any YARV pre-questions in RubyC onf2004?" > on Tue, 28 Sep 2004 06:29:08 +0900, James Britt <jamesUNDERBARb@neurogami.com> writes: