Any sample code where ruby is used in the Eclipse development environment?

As I understand it, a future release of Eclipse will incorporate the
Bean Scripting Framework Apache Commons BSF™ - Bean Scripting Framework so that any
language for which there’s a Java-implemented engine can be used to
script Eclipse.



-----Original Message-----
From: David Corbin []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:02 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Any sample code where ruby is used in the Eclipse devepment

Now there’s a good idea. Elsewhere I suggested the ability to call
Perl modules from Ruby. It would be just as great to be able to call
Java from Ruby. Java has pretty good reflection, so it shouldn’t be too

hard to build dynamic wrappers for Java objects…

Ludwigi Beethoven wrote:

Thank you Nathaniel.

Ludwigi Beethoven [] wrote:

I installed Eclipse and the ruby plug-in for it.
However, I don’t see anyway to use it and create
Do anyone outthere have any sample code or any
instructions on how to use Eclipse and ruby


At this point the Ruby Eclipse plugin only allows the
editing/running/debugging of Ruby code; unfortunately,
there is no ability
to script Eclipse itself using Ruby.

