Any recommendations on ruby editor

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.


Dpending on your platform it can be a bit unstable but I use eclipse with
Aptana's RadRails plugin. It works pretty well and is free, there are
better from what I understand but they also cost and money is something I
don't have right now.


On 8/10/07, harry pillei <> wrote:

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.


"Hey brother Christian with your high and mighty errand, Your actions speak
so loud, I can't hear a word you're saying."

-Greg Graffin (Bad Religion)

emacs + rails mode is working great for me,
it can navigate around the project nicely, run ruby snippets, and ...
its emacs, what more could you want?

jedit worked nice too, i used it before the emacs rails mode was

i tried radrails and it was kinda buggy (probably a lot better now)
but i find a lot of its functionality not useful (like running
servers, etc.) because automated tests lets me nail down the
functionality before i code. i do like how it runs the tests as you
type like how eclipse compiles as you type.



On Aug 10, 12:37 pm, "harry pillei" <> wrote:

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.


I very much like vim with the ruby extensions on any platform.


-----Original Message-----
From: harry pillei []
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:53 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Any recommendations on ruby editor

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with
ruby(including rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.


harry pillei wrote:

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.


I like eclipse - though more of an IDE than an editor; it's very useful when working with rails. Get the pre-packaged version for rails from Easyeclipse:

but be warned: you'll need a decent amount of memory to run it - but everyone has a gig these days, no?

I use Gvim with the following extensions, which make it a charm to use. Here
is a Screenshot. I turned off all Menus and Scrollbars, because I find them
distractive. The advantage over console vim is scrolling with mousewheel and
more coloschemes. With those plugins and a decent Colorscheme and some time
to get used to the (cryptic seeming) usage, Gvim will be your best friend for
years to come. Screenshot:, I'm following the
example application in "Agile web development with rails 2nd ed." (which I
mention in case you also look for a good book to learn rails). The Gvim
colorscheme is a slightly modified "darkocean"
(Error : vim online), I made the white a
little more grey, so the contrast is not as hard and removed the different
coloring of empty lines, because it confused me. %)

Have a lot of fun, turning your vim into a powerful rails development IDE
machine, that's actually fun to use!

PS: Anybody got other useful vim plugins for RoR dev?

Linked stacktraces (open gvim on click, bzw change the opened file)
and "footnotes" on your development page.
(script/plugin install <a
(rake redit:install)


BlockComment 1.1:
(Un-)Comment everything you mark with one shortcut ".c" to comment, ".C" to
(Error : vim online)

matchit :
"%" lets you jump between if and end, between class and end, so see instantly
where to go, even with bad indentation.
(Ships with vim under: /usr/share/vim/macros/matchit.*)
(else Error : vim online)

project 1.4.1:
Sidebar with Project files (When used with rails.vim, type ":Rproject", it
will be preconfigured)
(Error : vim online)

rails.vim 2.00:
A bunch of interesting stuff, read
(Error : vim online)

Autocomplete function names:
rubycomplete 0.7:
        type the beginning, strg-x, strg-o to see a (ugly) list of

snippetsEmu 1.1:
The autocompletion snippet magic with tab.
(Error : vim online)
(I needed to hack this a little. The tags ("<{" and "}>") conflict with html
so I set it to something unneeded ("Ð" and "Æ"),
(~/.vim/plugins/snippetsEmu.vim Lines 113 and 117) does look confusing, but
works like a charm. Plus you really should change the default behavior for
ruby files. There is one error in the ruby definition file (you'll have
another '>' char and wonder why as well as annoying <newline> on the closure
of your codeblock, which accumulate when you use it recursivly. For
completion, here is my tweaked ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ruby_snippets.vim:

if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp

let st = g:snip_start_tag
let et = g:snip_end_tag
let cd = g:snip_elem_delim

exec "Snippet do do<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet class class ".st."className".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet begin begin<CR> ""<CR>rescue ".st."Exception".et."
=> ".st."e".et."<CR>""end"
exec "Snippet each_with_index0 each_with_index
do |".st."element".et.", ".st."index".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet collect collect
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet forin for ".st."element".et."
in ".st."collection".et."<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet doo do |".st."object".et."|<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet : :".st."key".et." => \"".st."value".et."\""
exec "Snippet def def ".st."methodName".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet case case ".st."object".et."<CR>
when ".st."condition".et."<CR>""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet collecto collect do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet each each
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet each_with_index each_with_index
{ |".st."element".et.", ".st."idx".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet if if ".st."condition".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet eacho each do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet unless unless ".st."condition".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet ife
if ".st."condition".et."<CR> ""<CR>else<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet when when ".st."condition"
exec "Snippet selecto select do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet injecto inject(".st."object".et.")
do |".st."injection".et.", ".st."element".et."| <CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet reject
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet rejecto reject do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet inject inject(".st."object".et.")
{ |".st."injection".et.", ".st."element".et."| "" }"
exec "Snippet select select
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"


On Friday 10 August 2007 18:52:43 harry pillei wrote:

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.


On the Mac, NetBeans is wicked fast. And, as of a couple of builds ago, it has an actual useful Find Usages. Find Usages!!!!! That's the single most important thing an IDE can do for you after the basic syntax help. Any other Ruby IDEs have that?

Screenshots, etc: ongoing by Tim Bray · Ruby Glee



On Aug 10, 2007, at 9:52 AM, harry pillei wrote:

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.

Netbeans ruby ide is pretty good:


On 8/10/07, Glen Holcomb <> wrote:

Dpending on your platform it can be a bit unstable but I use eclipse with
Aptana's RadRails plugin. It works pretty well and is free, there are
better from what I understand but they also cost and money is something I
don't have right now.

On 8/10/07, harry pillei <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
> rails), any recommendations?.
> Experience and feedback appreciated.
> thanks
> Hari

"Hey brother Christian with your high and mighty errand, Your actions
so loud, I can't hear a word you're saying."

-Greg Graffin (Bad Religion)

Um cara cariobárico

i tried radrails and it was kinda buggy (probably a lot better now)
but i find a lot of its functionality not useful (like running
servers, etc.) because automated tests lets me nail down the
functionality before i code. i do like how it runs the tests as you
type like how eclipse compiles as you type.


Ever since Aptana swallowed up RadRails things have been getting
better and better.

I still like to alt-tab between it and a console for most scripts, but
I love using it to run my tests.

Although it's only for OSX, I'd be remiss if I did not mention how much I
love Textmate for my Ruby coding. It's got a Rails bundle as well.

Jamie Lynn
AKA greymaiden


On 8/10/07, franco <> wrote:

On Aug 10, 12:37 pm, "harry pillei" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
> rails), any recommendations?.
> Experience and feedback appreciated.
> thanks
> Hari

emacs + rails mode is working great for me,
it can navigate around the project nicely, run ruby snippets, and ...
its emacs, what more could you want?

jedit worked nice too, i used it before the emacs rails mode was

i tried radrails and it was kinda buggy (probably a lot better now)
but i find a lot of its functionality not useful (like running
servers, etc.) because automated tests lets me nail down the
functionality before i code. i do like how it runs the tests as you
type like how eclipse compiles as you type.


Also gvim (vim -g, graphical vim) is my editor of choice for ruby. You
might not want to give it a spin unless you're willing to learn it, though.
Same goes for emacs.


On Friday 10 August 2007 12:12:28 pm Felix Windt wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: harry pillei []
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:53 AM
> To: ruby-talk ML
> Subject: Any recommendations on ruby editor
> Hi,
> I am looking into investing in an editor for working with
> ruby(including rails), any recommendations?.
> Experience and feedback appreciated.
> thanks
> Hari

I very much like vim with the ruby extensions on any platform.

Konrad Meyer <>

I like eclipse too, but I use netbeans 6.0 M10. Why? Aptana misses one
functionality which I like: going to class definition when I just place
cursor on it's name and press some key. Netbeans can go into core RoR
files, aptana can't.

Paweł Stawicki


Posted via

Stef Richards wrote:

but be warned: you'll need a decent amount of memory to run it - but
everyone has a gig these days, no?

Force me to buy a new laptop? *Never*!

I got a dual-core Athlon64 X2 with 4 GB for the less than the price of a
decent 1 GB laptop.

if you roll with The Woz (ie, use Mac), then check out TextMate


On Aug 10, 2007, at 1:45 PM, franco wrote:

On Aug 10, 12:37 pm, "harry pillei" <> wrote:

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.


~ Ari
crap my sig won't fit

I'd recommend the Ruby plug-in for the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. Although
it's still in active development it's already feature-rich and has
plans for more features. I use it for Ruby/JRuby development on a
daily basis. This is especially a good choice if you're already using
IDEA for Java like me. By the way, I've contributed a small bit toward
the plug-in so if you see a feature missing, let me know what it is.
Here's a link for those that are interested:


On Aug 15, 11:34 am, Markus Echterhoff <> wrote:

On Friday 10 August 2007 18:52:43 harry pillei wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
> rails), any recommendations?.
> Experience and feedback appreciated.

> thanks
> Hari

I use Gvim with the following extensions, which make it a charm to use. Here
is a Screenshot. I turned off all Menus and Scrollbars, because I find them
distractive. The advantage over console vim is scrolling with mousewheel and
more coloschemes. With those plugins and a decent Colorscheme and some time
to get used to the (cryptic seeming) usage, Gvim will be your best friend for
years to come. Screenshot:, I'm following the
example application in "Agile web development with rails 2nd ed." (which I
mention in case you also look for a good book to learn rails). The Gvim
colorscheme is a slightly modified "darkocean"
(Error : vim online), I made the white a
little more grey, so the contrast is not as hard and removed the different
coloring of empty lines, because it confused me. %)

Have a lot of fun, turning your vim into a powerful rails development IDE
machine, that's actually fun to use!

PS: Anybody got other useful vim plugins for RoR dev?

Linked stacktraces (open gvim on click, bzw change the opened file)
and "footnotes" on your development page.
(script/plugin install <a
(rake redit:install)


BlockComment 1.1:
(Un-)Comment everything you mark with one shortcut ".c" to comment, ".C" to
(Error : vim online)

matchit :
"%" lets you jump between if and end, between class and end, so see instantly
where to go, even with bad indentation.
(Ships with vim under: /usr/share/vim/macros/matchit.*)

project 1.4.1:
Sidebar with Project files (When used with rails.vim, type ":Rproject", it
will be preconfigured)
(Error : vim online)

rails.vim 2.00:
A bunch of interesting stuff, read
(Error : vim online)

Autocomplete function names:
rubycomplete 0.7:
        type the beginning, strg-x, strg-o to see a (ugly) list of

snippetsEmu 1.1:
The autocompletion snippet magic with tab.
(Error : vim online)
(I needed to hack this a little. The tags ("<{" and "}>") conflict with html
so I set it to something unneeded ("Ð" and "Æ"),
(~/.vim/plugins/snippetsEmu.vim Lines 113 and 117) does look confusing, but
works like a charm. Plus you really should change the default behavior for
ruby files. There is one error in the ruby definition file (you'll have
another '>' char and wonder why as well as annoying <newline> on the closure
of your codeblock, which accumulate when you use it recursivly. For
completion, here is my tweaked ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ruby_snippets.vim:

if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp

let st = g:snip_start_tag
let et = g:snip_end_tag
let cd = g:snip_elem_delim

exec "Snippet do do<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet class class ".st."className".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet begin begin<CR> ""<CR>rescue ".st."Exception".et."
=> ".st."e".et."<CR>""end"
exec "Snippet each_with_index0 each_with_index
do |".st."element".et.", ".st."index".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet collect collect
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet forin for ".st."element".et."
in ".st."collection".et."<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet doo do |".st."object".et."|<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet : :".st."key".et." => \"".st."value".et."\""
exec "Snippet def def ".st."methodName".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet case case ".st."object".et."<CR>
when ".st."condition".et."<CR>""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet collecto collect do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet each each
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet each_with_index each_with_index
{ |".st."element".et.", ".st."idx".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet if if ".st."condition".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet eacho each do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet unless unless ".st."condition".et."<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet ife
if ".st."condition".et."<CR> ""<CR>else<CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet when when ".st."condition"
exec "Snippet selecto select do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet injecto inject(".st."object".et.")
do |".st."injection".et.", ".st."element".et."| <CR> ""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet reject
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"
exec "Snippet rejecto reject do |".st."element".et."|
<CR> ".st."element".et.".""<CR>end"
exec "Snippet inject inject(".st."object".et.")
{ |".st."injection".et.", ".st."element".et."| "" }"
exec "Snippet select select
{ |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }"

TextMate has a find in project which works similarly.


Wayne E. Seguin
Sr. Systems Architect & Systems Administrator


On Aug 15, 2007, at 12:58 , Tim Bray wrote:

On Aug 10, 2007, at 9:52 AM, harry pillei wrote:

I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby(including
rails), any recommendations?.
Experience and feedback appreciated.

On the Mac, NetBeans is wicked fast. And, as of a couple of builds ago, it has an actual useful Find Usages. Find Usages!!!!! That's the single most important thing an IDE can do for you after the basic syntax help. Any other Ruby IDEs have that?

Rails and Aptana on both Windows and Ubuntu is my preferred choice.
I would like to try TextMate since it seams very interesting by
looking it on screen casts.


On Aug 10, 9:34 pm, Konrad Meyer <> wrote:

On Friday 10 August 2007 12:12:28 pm Felix Windt wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: harry pillei []
> > Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:53 AM
> > To: ruby-talk ML
> > Subject: Any recommendations on ruby editor

> > Hi,
> > I am looking into investing in an editor for working with
> > ruby(including rails), any recommendations?.
> > Experience and feedback appreciated.

> > thanks
> > Hari

> I very much like vim with the ruby extensions on any platform.

Also gvim (vim -g, graphical vim) is my editor of choice for ruby. You
might not want to give it a spin unless you're willing to learn it, though.
Same goes for emacs.

Konrad Meyer <>


I use vimmate, which is layered on gvim. It works good as long as you
don't try to open too many files at once.


On Aug 10, 3:34 pm, Konrad Meyer <> wrote:

On Friday 10 August 2007 12:12:28 pm Felix Windt wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: harry pillei []
> > Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:53 AM
> > To: ruby-talk ML
> > Subject: Any recommendations on ruby editor

> > Hi,
> > I am looking into investing in an editor for working with
> > ruby(including rails), any recommendations?.
> > Experience and feedback appreciated.

> > thanks
> > Hari

> I very much like vim with the ruby extensions on any platform.

Also gvim (vim -g, graphical vim) is my editor of choice for ruby. You
might not want to give it a spin unless you're willing to learn it, though.
Same goes for emacs.

Konrad Meyer <>


Stephen Walker

There's also gedit for GNU/Linux, you can tweak it and make it work
close as texmate. Here's the link for the tweaking:



On 8/14/07, Ari Brown <> wrote:

if you roll with The Woz (ie, use Mac), then check out TextMate

On Aug 10, 2007, at 1:45 PM, franco wrote:

> On Aug 10, 12:37 pm, "harry pillei" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking into investing in an editor for working with ruby
>> (including
>> rails), any recommendations?.
>> Experience and feedback appreciated.
>> thanks
>> Hari

~ Ari
crap my sig won't fit

Dangerous q to ask here, you'll get 100 different answers from 50
different people :wink:
I'll give you 3: Scite, Eclipse and NetBeans

For small things I use scite, which I believe can work in OSX, but
more or less it'll be equivalent to any ruby-aware code-highlighting
text editor that will launch the interpreter for you. The downside is
it's really just a text editor.
Scite, of 10
ruby integration: 4
text highlighting: 10
multiple file support: 4
version control: 0

I'm using eclipse+RDT at work, and am still using it for my projects
there, because it's already setup and works. The downside of it is
that it seems to have issues with following the object model more than
one or two steps, and can't do things like refactor a class name
across all files in the project, or even a search and replace across
all files in the project.
eclipse+RDT, of 10
ruby integration: 7
text highlighting: 10
multiple file support: 8
version control: 5

That said, I use NetBeans (6.x beta, milestone whatever) for all my
personal ruby coding that's IDE-worthy. It was a HECK of a lot easier
to setup, and on reasonable hardware (even on my old 1 ghz laptop
linux) is no slower than eclipse. I haven't used it as much, but so
far it's giving me a good feeling, and the ruby integration is much
tighter (esp with the intelisensish type things)
NetBeans 6 Beta, of 10
ruby integration: 9
text highlighting: 10
multiple file support: 9
version control: 8
stability: 8