Another little algoritmic help needed

Building all permutations of something is a typical recursive task.
But in this case I dont want a recursive solution because:

There's a non-recursive permutation algorithm at:

Here is an implementation I once made:

class Array
    def swap!(idx1, idx2)
        if (idx1.abs > self.length || idx2.abs > self.length )
            raise"non valid indices!")
        a = self[idx1]
        self[idx1] = self[idx2]
        self[idx2] = a
# algorithm by: Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos
class Permutations
    def initialize(ary)
        if (not ary.kind_of?(Array) or ary.empty?)
            raise"ary should be a non-empty Array!")
        @ary = ary.sort
        @n = ary.length
        @pary = (0..@n+1).to_a
        @i = 1
        @first = true
    attr_reader :ary, :i
    def next

        if not @first
            raise StandardError, "Permutations Exhausted!" if @i >= @n
            @pary[i] -= 1
            j = (i%2 == 0 ? 0 : @pary[i]) # if i is odd, then let j =
p[i] otherwise let j = 0
            @ary.swap!(i, j)
            @i = 1
            while (@pary[i] == 0)
                @pary[i] = @i
                @i += 1
            end # end while (p[i] is equal to 0)
            @first = false

        if block_given?
            yield ary

    def hasNext?
        @i < @n
    def reset
        @ary = ary.sort
        @n = ary.length
        @pary = (0..n+1).to_a
        @i = 1
    def Permutations.go(array)
        if ( not array.kind_of?(Array) or array.empty?)
            raise"ary should be a non-empty Array!")
        ary = array.sort
        n = ary.length
        pary = (0..n+1).to_a

        i = 1
        while (i < n)
            yield ary
            pary[i] -= 1
            j = (i%2 == 0 ? 0 : pary[i]) # if i is odd, then let j =
p[i] otherwise let j = 0
            ary.swap!(i, j)
            i = 1
            while (pary[i] == 0)
                pary[i] = i
                i += 1
            end # end while (p[i] is equal to 0)
        end # end while (i < N)
        yield ary