From: David Ongaro <>
Date: April 5, 2007 8:38:19 AM CDT
Subject: Another "Golf Game" LCD solutionDear Mr. Gray,
People still work the old quizzes it seems...
But they are still worthwhile, aren't they? Anyway I just reached Page 9
of your Book and couldn't withstand to try to beat David Trans record of
the shortest solution for the LCD Problem. I had a solution of similar
size, but when I combined ideas from both solutions and made some
further improvements I was able to get down to 210 Bytes, which might be
a new record.S=(s=$*.index"-s")?$*.slice!(s,2)[1].to_i: 2
def b i=1
[' - ',' ||'][@x&1][i*(1&"w$]m.k{%\177o"[@z.to_i]>>@x/2*3+i-1),1]end
5.times{|@x|puts(([S,1][@x&1]..S).map{$*[0].split('').map{|@z|b(2)+b*S+b(3)}*' '})}I'm aware that these problems are not supposed to be solved like this,
but I had fun and learned a lot about ruby this way (I wonder how much I
can learn from your book when I get past Quiz 2..).Sincerely
David Ongaro
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