[ANN] zenweb 3.4.0 Released

zenweb version 3.4.0 has been released!

* home: <https://github.com/seattlerb/zenweb>
* bugs: <https://github.com/seattlerb/zenweb/issues>
* rdoc: <http://docs.seattlerb.org/zenweb>

Zenweb is a set of classes/tools for organizing and formating a
website. It is website oriented rather than webpage oriented, unlike
most rendering tools. It is content oriented, rather than style
oriented, unlike most rendering tools. It uses a rubygems plugin
system to provide a very flexible, and powerful system.

Zenweb 3 was inspired by jekyll. The filesystem layout is similar to
jekyll's layout, but zenweb isn't focused on blogs. It can do any sort
of website just fine.

Zenweb uses rake to handle dependencies. As a result, scanning a
website and regenerating incrementally is not just possible, it is
blazingly fast.


### 3.4.0 / 2014-03-24

* 4 minor enhancements:

  * Added FakePage to make synthesizing pages easier.
  * Added task :virtual_pages and called during scan phase. Add virtual pages in your Rakefile!
  * Markdown sitemap can now toggle it's subsection's dated titles.
  * Modified config to be more resilient to non-file pages. Grabs content directly from page when passed one.

I’ve followed the links, but I still have a question. What does it do? Yes, I know, "organizes and formats a website.” How? To what end?


On Mar 24, 2014, at 18:15 , Ryan Davis <ryand-ruby@zenspider.com> wrote:

zenweb version 3.4.0 has been released!