[ANN] youtube-g 0.4.1 Released

youtube-g version 0.4.1 has been released!

* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/youtube-g/>

youtube-g is a pure Ruby client for the YouTube GData API. It provides an easy
way to access the latest YouTube video search results from your own programs.
In comparison with the earlier Youtube search interfaces, this new API and
library offers much-improved flexibility around executing complex search
queries to obtain well-targeted video search results.

More detail on the underlying source Google-provided API is available at:


* Aims to be in parity with Google's YouTube GData API. Core functionality
  is currently present -- work is in progress to fill in the rest.


Create a client:

  require 'youtube_g'
  client = YouTubeG::Client.new

Basic queries:

  client.videos_by(:query => "penguin")
  client.videos_by(:tags => ['tiger', 'leopard'])
  client.videos_by(:categories => [:news, :sports])
  client.videos_by(:categories => [:news, :sports], :tags =>
['soccer', 'football'])
  client.videos_by(:user => 'liz')
Standard feeds:
  client.videos_by(:top_rated, :time => :today)
Advanced queries (with boolean operators OR (either), AND (include),
NOT (exclude)):
  client.videos_by(:categories => { :either => [:news, :sports],
:exclude => [:comedy] }, :tags => { :include => ['football'], :exclude
=> ['soccer'] })


## 0.4.1 / 2008-02-11

* Added 3GPP video format [shane]
* Fixed tests [shane]

## 0.4.0 / 2007-12-18

* Fixed API projection in search URL [Pete Higgins]
* Fixed embeddable video searching [Pete Higgins]
* Fixed video embeddable detection [Pete Higgins]
* Fixed unique id hyphen detection [Pete Higgins, Chris Taggart]


Walter Korman: shaper@fatgoose.com
Shane Vitarana: shanev@gmail.com


Pete Higgins

* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/youtube-g/>



http://shanesbrain.net | http://crimsonjet.com | http://myfitbuddy.com

but sorry, but i do not see the new version, only the 0.4.0..

kind regards -botp


On Feb 11, 2008 4:19 PM, Shane Vitarana <shanev@gmail.com> wrote:

youtube-g version 0.4.1 has been released!

I just released it so it probably needs some time to propagate through
the gem mirrors.


On Feb 11, 2008 2:28 AM, botp <botpena@gmail.com> wrote:

On Feb 11, 2008 4:19 PM, Shane Vitarana <shanev@gmail.com> wrote:
> youtube-g version 0.4.1 has been released!

but sorry, but i do not see the new version, only the 0.4.0..

kind regards -botp

http://shanesbrain.net | http://crimsonjet.com | http://myfitbuddy.com

# I just released it so it probably needs some time to propagate through
# the gem mirrors.

oops, sorry. i just realized that now. will wait.
thanks for youtube-g.

kind regards -botp


From: Shane Vitarana [mailto:shanev@gmail.com]