[ANN] YAML4R 0.20 -- Objects in plaintext

YAML is a specification for storing objects in a readable text format.
YAML4R is a Ruby library for reading and writing to YAML documents. Give it
a try. Ruby and YAML go hand in hand. Mouth in mouth. Tongue in… Well, I
could go on.

An announcement on this list last week for 0.14 and releases were made nearly
every day last week, as coding is going forward daily in order to reach full
compliance with the spec [http://yaml.org/spec]. If you want to keep up with
daily changes to YAML4R and other implementations and monitor progress on the
spec, hop on the Yaml-core list [http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/yaml-core].
CVS is available for following daily releases.

Read more about YAML4R and the 0.20 release at http://yaml4r.sf.net/. My
sincerest thanks are in order.


Is there a non-blocking socket call I can use in Ruby to see if there
is data waiting on it?




At Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:48:34 +0900, Serg Koren wrote:

Is there a non-blocking socket call I can use in Ruby to see if there
is data waiting on it?

You don’t need non-blocking mode.

select([socket]) # wait until data received
select([socket], nil, nil, 0) # poll if data received

If you set a socket to non-blocking mode, EWOULDBLOCK can occur
but current ruby implementation looses the data received before
the error.

Nobu Nakada