[ANN] yahns 1.4.0 -_- sleepy app server for Ruby

A Free Software, multi-threaded, non-blocking network application server
designed for low _idle_ power consumption. It is primarily optimized
for applications with occasional users which see little or no traffic.
yahns currently hosts Rack/HTTP applications, but may eventually support
other application types. Unlike some existing servers, yahns is
extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the applications it hosts.


    Minor internal cleanups and bugfixes.

    * http_client: clear some internal ivars on rack.hijack
    * README: minor updates
    * extras/autoindex: do not link beyond top-level
    * extras/autoindex: fix misnamed variable
    * extras/autoindex: integrate with TryGzipStatic
    * queue: remove TODO comment for kqueue
    * switch to require_relative for internal requires
    * README: add OpenSSL exception
    * stream_input: favor str.clear instead of str.replace('')
    * http_response: skip Date header case-insensitively

Please note the disclaimer:

  yahns is extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the apps it hosts. There
  is no (and never will be) any built-in "watchdog"-type feature to kill
  stuck processes/threads. Each yahns process may be handling thousands
  of clients; unexpectedly killing the process will abort _all_ of those
  connections. Lives may be lost!

  yahns hackers are not responsible for your application/library bugs.
  Use an application server which is tolerant of buggy applications
  if you cannot be bothered to fix all your fatal bugs.

* git clone git://yhbt.net/yahns
* http://yahns.yhbt.net/README
* http://yahns.yhbt.net/NEWS.atom.xml
* we like plain-text email yahns-public@yhbt.net