I have released version 0.9.0 of xml-configfile, a library for an easy
handling of XML configuration files. It allows you to access
configuration parameters stored in an XML file by using XPath.
Changes since last release:
- Added method set_parameter, which allows to change the value
of existing configuration parameters. - Added path_prefix, which enables you to define a prefix that
will be put in front of all XPath expressions. - Included module Observable, so it is possible now to add
observers, that will be notified, if a configuration file
has changed. - Added method store, which stores the current configuration
into a file. - Added method to_s, which returns the current configuration
as an XML string. - Added method close, which terminates the reloader thread.
- Renamed many methods, i.e. removed postfix “_parameter”.
The old method names still work, but will probably be removed
in the future. - Restructured unit tests and put many test cases into
separate files. - Added and improved documentation: Added sections ‘Observing
a Configuration File’ and ‘Changing and Storing a
Configuration File.’.
You can find a short tutorial here:
You can download the current and all previous releases here:
The RAA site is:
Currently I am working on version 1.0.0. This first major release will
probably contain at least two significant enhancements:
A method to_hash, that converts a DOM tree fragment into a Hash in the
same way as function XMLin of the Perl module XML::Simple
(http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/XML/XML-Simple-2.03.readme) does. -
The possibilty to create new configuration parameters on the fly.
Currently it is only possibe to change existing ones.
Maik Schmidt