Hi all,
The Win32Utils team is happy to announce the release of win32-nio 0.0.1.
This is largely a proof of concept library, and should be considered alpha code.
= What is it?
Ruby's IO methods implemented using native Windows function calls. In some cases the interface is slightly enhanced for Windows.
= What's implemented?
At the moment there are only two methods, NIO.read and NIO.readlines.
= What are these enhancements you speak of?
In the case of NIO.read, it takes an optional 4th argument, which can be a Win32::Event object. Also, if a block is provided, it is treated as a callback that will fire when the read operation is complete.
= How do I get it?
gem install win32-nio.
It's also available on the Win32Utils project page at http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/win32utils.
The Win32Utils Team