[ANN] Units for Ruby

I have also created a new library to add units to numbers in Ruby:

gem install units

It is extremely simple to use:

    require 'units/standard'
    1.lb.to_ounces # => 16.0

    require 'units/currency'
    1.euro.usd # => 1.2545

    1.usd.unit # => :usd
    1.usd.to_yen # => 108.9 # this information is grabbed on the fly
via a SOAP call
    1.usd.to_yet.unit # => :yen

It is also very simple to add both static and dynamic conversions on
your own via add_unit_conversions and add_unit_aliases.

I hope you find this library useful too.

Looking good.

Some volume conversion seems to be wrong thought:

irb(main):007:0> 1.teaspoons.to_cubic_meters ** (1.0 / 3)
=> 58.7601229917626

That's a very deep Olympic size swimming pool!

Trusting google for unit conversion:

[gus@comp tmp]$ ruby get_standard.rb 2>/dev/null
:pints => 0.125,
:milliliters => 0.000264172051,
:cubic_feet => 7.48051945,
:cups => 0.0625,
:microliters => 2.64172051,
:cubic_inches => 0.00432900431,
:liters => 0.264172051,
:cubic_centimeters => 0.000264172051,
:cubic_yards => 201.974025,
:hectoliters => 26.4172051,
:fluid_ounces => 0.0078125,
:cubic_millimeters => 2.64172051,
:gallons => 1,
:deciliters => 0.0264172051,
:tablespoons => 0.00390625,
:cubic_meters => 264.172051,
:quarts => 0.25,
:centiliters => 0.00264172051,
:teaspoons => 0.00130208333,
:cubic_decimeters => 0.264172051,

[gus@comp tmp]$ cat get_standard.rb
require 'units/standard'
require 'net/http'

h = Net::HTTP.new('www.google.com', 80)
Numeric::VOLUME.keys.each do |u|
  v = u.to_s.gsub(/_/, " ")
  resp, data = h.get("/search?q=1+#{v.gsub(/ /, "+")}+in+gallon", nil)
  if data =~ /\(?#{v}\)?\s*=\s*([\d.]+)/
      val = $1
      puts(":%-20s => #{val}," % u)
    $stderr.puts("#{u} failed")

Thank you for your library,


On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 07:46 +0900, Lucas Carlson wrote:

I have also created a new library to add units to numbers in Ruby:

gem install units

It is extremely simple to use:

    require 'units/standard'
    1.lb.to_ounces # => 16.0

    require 'units/currency'
    1.euro.usd # => 1.2545

    1.usd.unit # => :usd
    1.usd.to_yen # => 108.9 # this information is grabbed on the fly
via a SOAP call
    1.usd.to_yet.unit # => :yen

It is also very simple to add both static and dynamic conversions on
your own via add_unit_conversions and add_unit_aliases.

I hope you find this library useful too.

# gem install units
Attempting local installation of 'units'
Local gem file not found: units*.gem
Attempting remote installation of 'units'
Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
Successfully installed units-1.0.1
Installing RDoc documentation for units-1.0.1...

lib/units/base.rb:50:86: ':' not followed by identified or operator

lib/units/currency.rb:20:35: ':' not followed by identified or operator
# ruby --version
ruby 1.9.0 (2005-02-08) [i686-linux]

Are these two errors important?


On 9/6/05, Lucas Carlson <lucas@rufy.com> wrote:

I have also created a new library to add units to numbers in Ruby:

gem install units

It is extremely simple to use:

    require 'units/standard'
    1.lb.to_ounces # => 16.0

    require 'units/currency'
    1.euro.usd # => 1.2545

    1.usd.unit # => :usd
    1.usd.to_yen # => 108.9 # this information is grabbed on the fly
via a SOAP call
    1.usd.to_yet.unit # => :yen

It is also very simple to add both static and dynamic conversions on
your own via add_unit_conversions and add_unit_aliases.

I hope you find this library useful too.

Lucas Carlson wrote:

I have also created a new library to add units to numbers in Ruby:
   require 'units/standard'
   1.usd.to_yen # => 108.9 # this information is grabbed on the fly
via a SOAP call

I have a feature request. I want to be able to use this through an HTTP
proxy. (I haven't figured out how to do that with the WSDLDriver.)


Lucas Carlson wrote:

I have also created a new library to add units to numbers in Ruby:

gem install units

  Attempting local installation of 'units'
  Local gem file not found: units*.gem
  Attempting remote installation of 'units'
  Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
  /usr/local/pkgs/ruby-1.8.2/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:119: [BUG] Segmentation fault
  ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [powerpc-darwin8.2.0]

  Abort trap

I'm running Mac OS 10.4.2 with a readlines-enabled ruby
compiled from source, and FWIW, yaml.rb has,

     118 def YAML.load( io )
     119 yp = @@parser.new.load( io )
     120 end




Very nice,

thanks for releasing!




Good catch Guillaume, I have updated Units to 1.0.1 to address this
issue. Nice use of google and Ruby to generate that list!


They are warnings and nothing to worry about. The reason they came
about was because of defining symbols like this:


RDoc doesn't like it, but it is valid Ruby.


':' not followed by identified or operator

The offending code looks like:
  :"some string with #{interpolation}"

It should work to change that to:
  "some string with #{interpolation}".intern


FWIW, I'm running 1.8.2 also on Mac OS 10.4.2, also compiled from source, and it worked for me. :expressionless:


On Sep 7, 2005, at 5:31 AM, Bil Kleb wrote:

I'm running Mac OS 10.4.2 with a readlines-enabled ruby
compiled from source, and FWIW, yaml.rb has,

    118 def YAML.load( io )
    119 yp = @@parser.new.load( io )
    120 end

About using SOAP with an HTTP proxy, see

Oh, that's only RDoc whingeing. I'm glad. I'm sure I have some :""s in
my code, too.

Thanks, Lucas, but I've looked there, and haven't been able to leverage
that information to my advantage.

It bombs out (Errno::ETIMEDOUT) in WSDLDriverFactory#new, before
there's anything to call proxy= (or httpproxy=) on.


Small caching problem:

The xmethods.net method seems to provide realtime data. Which is cool,
but the data is being cached by symbol names, so:

10.usd.to_yen returns 10*x

and 10.usd.to_jpy returns 10*y

Even though they should technically return the same value.

I doubt it'd affect anyone's actual code since you're likely to use one
or the other, not both, but still... modifying the code to use country
names instead looks like this:

  def lookup_currency(from, to)
    from = @@currency_countries[from]
    to = @@currency_countries[to]
    cache_key = :"#{from}_to_#{to}"
    @@currency_rates[cache_key] ||= @@currency_converter.getRate(from,
    return @@currency_rates[cache_key]

Problem solved.

Thanks for the code btw. :slight_smile: