test-unit 2.4.9 has been released.
Web: http://test-unit.rubyforge.org/#test-unit
Install: gem install test-unit
test-unit is an improved version of Test::Unit bundled in
Ruby 1.8.x.
Ruby 1.9.x bundles minitest not Test::Unit. Test::Unit
bundled in Ruby 1.8.x had not been improved but unbundled
Test::Unit (test-unit) is improved actively.
About this release:
This release is a bug fix release.
This release also has an experimental feature. It's for
an alternative of testrb. You can use the following command
line instead of testrb:
% ruby -r test-unit -e run test/test*.rb
I want to hear about the interface. (Is it OK or dirty?)
Changes: http://test-unit.rubyforge.org/test-unit/en/file.news.html#2-4-9
h2(#2-4-9). 2.4.9 - 2012-06-03
It's a bug fix release.
h3. Improvements
* @Test::Unit.run?@ ->
@Test::Unit::AutoRunner.need_auto_run?@. @Test::Unit.run?@ is marked
as deprecated but it is still available.
* [experimental] Added top level "run" method for @"ruby -rtest-unit -e
run test/test_*.rb"@. Is this API OK or dirty?
* Made failure output more readable on no color mode.
* Supported showing ASCII-8BIT diff in failure message.
* [ui][console] Supported @ENV["TERM"] == "xterm-256color"@ as color
available terminal.
[GitHub#26] [Reported by Michael Grosser]
* [ui][console] Supported "-256color" suffix @ENV["TERM"]@ terminal
as 256 color supported terminal.
h3. Fixes
* Fixed a bug that @--workdir@ doesn't work.
* Consumed processed command line parameters in @ARGV@ as @--help@
[RubyForge#29554] [Reported by Bob Saveland]
* Added missing @require "test/unit/diff"@.
[GitHub#25] [Reported by Stephan Kulow]
h3. Thanks
* Bob Saveland
* Stephan Kulow
* Michael Grosser