The organizers of GoRuCo, the Gotham Ruby Conference, are proud to
announce the speakers for this year's conference. Without further ado
here is the list of speakers and their tentative session titles:
* Trotter Cashion - Contexts, mocks, and stubs, oh my!
* Paul Dix - Categorizing Documents in Ruby
* Jay Fields - Business Natural Language Ruby Systems
* Jeremy McAnally - Going Camping
* Jay Phillips - Adhearsion
* Nick Sieger - JRuby: Ready for Prime Time
We are down to our last few tickets for this year's event. For more
information, including more details about the speakers and their talks
and how to get your tickets, visit the GoRuCo website
ABOUT: The Gotham Ruby Conference, GoRuCo, is a one-day Ruby
conference that will take place in New York City, home of Silicon
Alley, on Saturday, April 21st. It will be a technical conference
aimed at highly motivated Rubyists, Rails developers, and language
enthusiasts. GoRuCo is a joint effort by volunteers from NYC.rb and
the New Haven Ruby Brigade. It's supported by the sponsors of this
conference including Google, StreetEasy, and Jonathan Summers.