[ANN] sldb-0.1.0




   sldb is a multi-thread, multi-process, and nfs safe abstraction of sqlite
   databases. the sldb module is a class generator for concrete databases. the
   programmer is freed from worrying about 'database locked' errors and
   transactions are automatically retried using a linear cyclical backoff time.
   in the case where all access is via the generated class sldb can even detect
   certain bugs in nfs daemons and auto-recover. the class is not limited to nfs
   use whatsover and can be a useful way to use an embedded sql based databases
   in your ruby code with minimal effort while still providing
   multi-process/multi-thread concurrency - something which is quite difficult if
   using the raw sqlite-ruby interface.


   ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov


   <========< sample/a.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/a.rb

     require 'sldb'


     # use the factory method to specify your database class
     DB =
       SLDB::class {
         schema 'create table t ( a, b, c )'
         path 'sldb'

     # create and instance and use it - it will be created and initialized with the
     # schema on the first use
     db = DB::new

     db.transaction do
       db.execute 'insert into t values (0,1,2)'
       db.execute('select * from t'){|tuple| p tuple}

   ~ > ruby sample/a.rb

     ["0", "1", "2"]

   <========< sample/b.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/b.rb

     require 'csv'
     require 'sldb'

     DB = SLDB::class :schema => 'create table t ( a, b, c )'
     db = DB::new 'sldb'

     # sldb uses arrayfields so many operations are natural since tuples are arrays,
     # yet can be indexed by field
     db.transaction do
       db.execute "insert into t values ( 'A', 'B', 'C' )"
       db.execute('select * from t') do |tuple|
         puts "tuple => #{ tuple.inspect }"
         tuple.fields.each{|f| puts " tuple[#{ f }] => #{ tuple[f] }"}


     # csv generation is an example of something which is much more natural with
     # arrays
     CSV::generate('csv') do |csv|
       db.ro_transaction{db.execute('select * from t'){|t| csv << t}}

   ~ > ruby sample/b.rb

     tuple => ["A", "B", "C"]
       tuple[a] => A
       tuple[b] => B
       tuple[c] => C


   <========< sample/c.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/c.rb

     require 'yaml'
     require 'sldb'

     DB = SLDB::new {
       schema <<-sql
         create table t0 ( a, b, c);
         create table t1 ( x, y, z);

       path 'sldb'

     db = DB::new

     # many utility methods exist to make working with the databases easier
     db.transaction do
       db.tablenames.each do |tablename|
         tuple = db.tuple_for tablename
         tuple.fields.each{|f| tuple[f] = db.timestamp 'local' => true}
         values = db.quote tuple
         sql = "insert into #{ tablename } values (#{ values.join ',' })"
         db.execute sql

     db.read_only_transaction do
       db.tablenames.each do |tablename|
         db.execute("select * from #{ tablename }") do |t|
           t.map!{|f| db.stamptime f, 'local' => true}
           y t.to_hash

   ~ > ruby sample/c.rb

     a: 2005-05-13 14:13:40.754680 -06:00
     b: 2005-05-13 14:13:40.754882 -06:00
     c: 2005-05-13 14:13:40.754910 -06:00
     x: 2005-05-13 14:13:40.755928 -06:00
     y: 2005-05-13 14:13:40.755980 -06:00
     z: 2005-05-13 14:13:40.756005 -06:00

   <========< sample/d.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/d.rb

     require 'yaml'
     require 'sldb'

     DB = SLDB::new { schema 'create table t ( tid, time )'; path 'sldb' }
     db = DB::new

     # multi-processed/multi-threaded applications may simoultaneously access the db

     4.times do
       unless fork
         pid = $$
         threads =
         2.times do |i|
           threads <<
             Thread::new(i, db) do |tid, db|
               sleep rand
               tuple = db.tuple_for 't'
               tuple['tid'] = "#{ pid }:#{ tid }"
               tuple['time'] = Time::now.to_f
               values = db.quote tuple
               db.transaction{db.execute "insert into t values(#{ values.join ',' })"}
         threads.each{|t| t.join}

     4.times{ Process::wait }

     report = Hash::new{|h,k| h[k] = }

     db.transaction{db.execute("select * from t"){|t| report['t'] << t.to_hash}}

     y report

   ~ > ruby sample/d.rb

         time: "1116015221.16824"
         tid: 9697:1
         time: "1116015221.2326"
         tid: 9697:0
         time: "1116015221.64353"
         tid: 9696:0
         time: "1116015221.83744"
         tid: 9695:0
         time: "1116015221.85167"
         tid: 9695:1
         time: "1116015222.25714"
         tid: 9698:0
         time: "1116015222.27658"
         tid: 9698:1
         time: "1116015221.81659"
         tid: 9696:1

   <========< sample/e.rb >========>

   ~ > cat sample/e.rb

     require 'sldb'

     # the SLDB factory method handles - as a special case - a pathname being passed
     # in as meaning : create the class AND give me and instance of it which allows
     # connecting to dbs even when the schema is unknown

     dbklass = SLDB::new 'schema' => 'create table t ( answer )',
                         'path' => 'sldb'
     db = dbklass::new
     db.transaction{ db.execute 'insert into t values ( 42 )' }

     fork do
       db = SLDB::new 'sldb' # here we don't know schema
       db.transaction{ db.execute('select * from t'){|t| puts t['answer']}}


   ~ > ruby sample/e.rb



   this library is __highly__ experimental and subject to change.


email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
renunciation is not getting rid of the things of this world, but accepting
that they pass away. --aitken roshi
