ANN: Sequel 4.0.0 Released

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

* Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise
  DSL for constructing SQL queries and table schemas.
* Sequel includes a comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to
  Ruby objects and handling associated records.
* Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
  statements, bound variables, stored procedures, savepoints,
  two-phase commit, transaction isolation, master/slave
  configurations, and database sharding.
* Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, CUBRID,
  DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, IBM_DB, Informix, JDBC, MySQL,
  Mysql2, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, Swift, and

Sequel 4.0.0 has been released!

= Backwards Compatibility

* All behavior resulting in deprecation messages in 3.48.0 has been
  removed or modified. If you plan on upgrading to Sequel 4.0.0 and
  have not yet upgraded to 3.48.0, upgrade to 3.48.0 first, fix code
  that results in deprecation warnings, and then upgrade to 4.0.0.

* The threaded connection pools now default to
  :connection_handling=>:queue. You can manually set
  :connection_handling=>:stack to get the previous behavior.

* Model.raise_on_typecast_failure now defaults to false. Set this to
  true to get the previous behavior of raising typecast errors in the
  setter methods.

* Model#save no longer calls Model#_refresh or Model#set_values
  internally after an insert. Manual refreshes are now treated
  differently than after creation refreshes.

* On SQLite, integer_booleans now defaults to true. Set this to
  false to get the previous behavior of 't' for true and 'f' for
  false. Sequel will not automatically upgrade your data, users
  are responsible for doing that if they want to switch the
  integer_booleans setting. Note that regardless of the setting,
  Sequel will return the correct ruby values when retrieving the

  Example Code to Migrate Existing Data:


* On SQLite, use_timestamp_timezones is now false by default. Set
  this to true to get the previous behavior with timezone information
  in timestamps. Sequel will not automatically upgrade your data,
  users are responsible for doing that if they want to switch the
  use_timestamp_timezones setting. Note that regardless of the
  setting, Sequel will return the correct ruby values when
  retrieving the rows.

* Using window functions when eagerly loading associations with
  limits or offsets is now done automatically if the database
  supports it. Previously, this had to be enabled manually. If
  you would like to disable this optimization and just do the
  slicing in ruby, set default_eager_limit_strategy = nil.

* The default value for most option hash arguments is now an shared
  empty frozen hash. If you are overriding methods and modifying
  option hashes, fix your code.

* The defaults_setter plugin now works in a lazy manner instead of
  an eager manner. So calling the related method returns the
  default value if there is no value stored, but Sequel does not
  add the default values to the internal values hash, and will not
  attempt to insert what it thinks is the default value when
  saving the new object.

* Model#set_all and #update_all now allow setting the primary key

* The many_to_one_pk_lookup and association_autoreloading plugins
  are now integrated into the default associations support.

* Plugins now extend the class with ClassMethods before including
  InstanceMethods in the class.

* Dataset#get, #select_map, and #select_order_map now automatically
  add aliases for unaliased expressions if given a single expression.

* Database#tables and #views on PostgreSQL now check against
  the current schemas in the search path.

* Calling ungraphed on an eager_graph dataset will restore the
  row_proc for that dataset. This is not backwards compatible if
  your method chain does:


  Switch such code to:


* The Model#set_restricted and #update_restricted private methods
  have a slightly different API now.

* Sequel::SQL::SQLArray alias for ValueList has been removed.

* Sequel::SQL::NoBooleanInputMethods has been removed.

* Sequel::NotImplemented has been removed. Default implementations
  of methods that used to raise this exception have been removed.

* Sequel::Model::EMPTY_INSTANCE_VARIABLES has been removed.

* The Sequel::Postgres::DatabaseMethods::EXCLUDE_SCHEMAS and
  SYSTEM_TABLE_REGEXP constants have been removed.

* Dataset#columns_without_introspection has been removed from the
  columns_introspection extension.

* Sequel no longer provides a default database for the adapter or
  integration specs. Additionally, if you are using spec_config.rb
  to configure a database to use when adapter/integration testing,
  you may need to modify it, as Sequel now uses the DB constant for
  the database being tested.

  environment variables are no longer respected when
  adapter/integration testing those databases. Use RUBYOPT with the
  -r flag.

* In the 3.48.0 release notes, it was announced that
  Dataset#join_table would default to :qualify=>:deep in 4.0.0. This
  change was made but reverted before the release of 4.0.0 as it was
  determined too likely to break existing code, there was no
  deprecation warning (since it just changed a setting), and the
  benefit was minimal. You can make deep qualification the default by
  by overriding Dataset#default_join_table_qualification.

= New Features

* A pg_array_associations plugin has been added, for creating
  an association based on a PostgreSQL array column containing
  foreign keys. Example:

    # Database schema:
    # tags albums
    # :id (int4) <--\ :id
    # :name \-- :tag_ids (int4[])
    # :name

    class Album
      plugin :pg_array_associations
      pg_array_to_many :tags
    class Tag
      plugin :pg_array_associations
      many_to_pg_array :albums

  This operates similarly to a many_to_many association, but does not
  require a join table. All of the usual Sequel association features
  are supported, such as adding, removing, and clearing associations,
  eager loading via eager and eager_graph, filtering by associations,
  and dataset associations.

  Note that until PostgreSQL gains the ability to enforce foreign key
  constraints in array columns, this plugin is not recommended for
  production use unless you plan on emulating referential integrity
  constraints via triggers.

* Dataset#from now accepts virtual_row blocks, making it easy to use
  with table returning functions:


* Sequel.deep_qualify has been added, for easily doing a deep
  qualification of objects:

    Sequel.deep_qualify(:table, Sequel.+(:column, 1))
    # ("table"."column" + 1)
    Sequel.deep_qualify(:table,, 'b'))
    # ("table"."a" LIKE 'b' ESCAPE '\')

* The prepared_statements_associations plugin now handles one_to_one

* SQL::Subscript objects now handle ruby range arguments, operating as
  an SQL array slice:

    Sequel.subscript(:a, 1..2) # a[1:2]

* Database#create_view now accepts a :columns option to provide
  explicit column names for the view.

* Postgres::ArrayOp#[] now returns an ArrayOp if given a range, since
  a PostgreSQL array slice can be treated as an array.

* Postgres::ArrayOp#hstore has been added for creating hstores from
  PostgreSQL arrays.

* When creating full text indexes on PostgreSQL, the :index_type=>:gist
  option can be used to use a gist index instead of the default gin
  index. This can be useful if insert/update speed is more important
  than lookup speed.

* You can now provide the :owner option to Database#create_schema on
  PostgreSQL to specify the owner of the schema.

* You can now provide the :if_exists option to Database#drop_view
  on PostgreSQL to not raise an error if the view doesn't exist.

* The pg_json extension now handles non-JSON plain strings, integers
  and floats in PostgreSQL JSON columns.

= Support for New Features in PostgreSQL 9.3

* A pg_json_ops extension has been added to support the new json
  operators and functions.

* Postgres::ArrayOp#replace and #remove have been added for using the
  array_replace and array_remove functions.

* You can now provide the :if_not_exists option when using
  Database#create_schema on PostgreSQL to not raise an error if the
  schema already exists.

* Database#create_view now supports a :recursive option on PostgreSQL
  for creating recursive views.

* Database#create_view and #drop_view now support a :materialized option
  on PostgreSQL for creating/dropping materialized views.

* Database#refresh_view has been added on PostgreSQL for refreshing
  materialized views.

= Other Improvements

* Check constraints are now always surrounded by parantheses, since that
  is required by the SQL standard. This fixes issues in the cases where
  parentheses were not used automatically, such as when a function call
  was used.

* Using an offset without a limit when eager loading now works

* The prepared_statements_associations plugin now works correctly when
  the associated class uses a filtered dataset.

* The prepared_statements_associations plugin can now use a prepared
  statement for cases where the association uses :conditions.

* Boolean prepared statement arguments now work correctly in the sqlite
  adapter when the integer_booleans setting is true.

* Dataset#inspect on prepared statements now handles anonymous dataset
  classes correctly.

* When dataset string/blob literalization depends on having a database
  connection and the dataset has an assigned server, a connection to
  the assigned server is used.

* More disconnect errors are now handled when using the postgres
  adapter with the postgres-pr driver, and in the jdbc/oracle adapter.

* Composite primary keys are now parsed correctly on SQLite 3.7.16+.

* Blobs are now hex escaped on MySQL, which can solve some encoding
  issues when blobs are used as literals in the same SQL query with
  UTF-8 strings.

* BigDecimals instances are now formatted nicer in the pretty_table

* Sequel now raises an exception when attempting to literalize infinite
  and NaN floats on MySQL. In general, this would result in MySQL
  raising an error, but in extreme cases it could have failed silently.

* You can now use a NO_SEQUEL_PG environment variable to not
  automatically require sequel_pg in the postgres adapter.

* Dataset#unbind now always uses symbol keys in the bind variable hash.


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