ANN: Sequel 3.47.0 Released

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

* Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise
  DSL for constructing SQL queries and table schemas.
* Sequel includes a comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to
  Ruby objects and handling associated records.
* Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
  statements, bound variables, stored procedures, savepoints,
  two-phase commit, transaction isolation, master/slave
  configurations, and database sharding.
* Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, CUBRID,
  DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, IBM_DB, Informix, JDBC, MySQL,
  Mysql2, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, Swift, and

Sequel 3.47.0 has been released and should be available on the gem

= New Plugins

* An auto_validations plugin has been added, which automatically
  adds not null, type, and unique validations based on information
  obtained from parsing the database schema. If you don't
  require customization of the validation error message per
  column, this can significantly DRY up validation code. Currently
  this plugin requires the database support index parsing; that
  restriction will be removed in Sequel 4.

* An input_transformer plugin has been added, for automatically
  running a transformation proc on all model column setter
  input before use. This is a generalization of the
  string_stripper plugin, allowing arbitrary modifications
  to the input.

* An error_splitter plugin has been added, for splitting validation
  errors applying to multiple columns into a separate validation
  error per column. This is useful if you want to to include such
  errors when using Errors#on to get all errors on the column. In
  general, only uniqueness errors apply to multiple columns, so
  those are the only errors likely to be affected.

= Other New Features

* Database.extension has been added, allowing you to load an
  extension into all future databases. This is similar to loading a
  plugin into Sequel::Model itself. For example, if you want all
  Database instances to use the query_literals extension, run the
  following before creating your Database instances:

    Sequel::Database.extension :query_literals

* Database.after_initialize has been added for running a hook
  on all new databases created.

* Model.default_set_fields_options has been added, allowing you
  to set the default options for the #set_fields and #update_fields
  methods. This is useful if you want to make :missing=>:raise
  or :missing=>:skip the default behavior.

* The :setter, :adder, :remover, and :clearer association options
  have been added. These allow you to override the default
  implementation used to modify the association. :setter affects
  the *_to_one setter method, :adder the *_to_many add_* method,
  :remover the *_to_many remove_* method, and :clearer the
  *_to_many remove_all_* method.

  Previously, you had to override a private method to get the same
  behavior, this just offers a nicer API for that.

  false, a reference to the Database instance is not kept in
  Sequel::DATABASES. This is designed for Database instances
  created by libraries, so they don't accidentally get chosen as
  the default Sequel::Model database.

* Model#modified! now accepts a column and marks that column
  as changed. This is useful if you plan on mutating the column
  value as opposed to reassigning it.

* Model#modified? now accepts a column and returns whether the
  column has been changed.

* The migrators now support an :allow_missing_migration_files
  option, which makes them silently ignore errors related to
  missing migration files.

* validates_schema_types has been added to validation_helpers,
  which validates that the column values are instances of the
  expected ruby type for the given database schema type. This
  is a more robust version of the validates_not_string
  extension, and users of validates_not_string are encouraged
  to switch soon, as validates_not_string is going away in
  Sequel 4.

  validates_schema_type has been added to validation_class_methods,
  which preforms the same validation, but it requires the columns
  be listed explicitly.

  validates_type in validation_helpers has been expanded to
  accept an array of allowable classes.

  Related to this is the addition of Database#schema_type_class for
  returning the type class(es) for the given schema type symbol.

* validates_not_null has been added to the validation_helpers
  plugin. This is similar to the validates_presence validation,
  but only checks for nil values, allowing empty/blank strings.

* In the caching plugin, when the :ignore_exceptions option is true,
  exceptions raised when deleting an object from the cache are now
  ignored correctly.

* On PostgreSQL, Sequel now supports a :search_path Database
  option to automatically set the client connection search_path.
  This allows you to control which schemas do no require
  qualification, and in which order to check schemas when
  referencing unqualified objects. If you were using the
  default_schema setting, it is recommended that you switch
  to using :search_path instead.

* The pg_array extension can now register array types on a
  per-Database basis via Database#register_array_type. Previously,
  only global registration of array types was allowed. Additionally,
  when registering array types on a per-Database basis, the oids can
  be looked up automatically, making it possible to register array
  types with just a type name:


* The pg_array extension now automatically creates conversion
  procs for array types of all named types used by the
  database. This means that if you use the pg_array and
  pg_hstore extensions, the hstore[] type is now handled

* The postgres adapter now supports :use_iso_date_format and
  :convert_infinite_timestamps Database options. Previously,
  use_iso_date_format was only a global setting, and
  convert_infinite_timestamps could only be set after

* Database#supports_schema_parsing? has been added to check
  if schema parsing via the Database#schema method is

= Other Improvements

* A race condition related to prepared_sql for newly prepared
  statements has been fixed.

* Dataset#get now works correctly if given an array with multiple
  columns if there were no returned rows.

* The plugins that ship with Sequel now handle frozen model instances

* Freezing of model instances now works correctly for models without
  primary keys.

* Database constraints added with the constraint_validations
  plugin now handle NULL values correctly if the :allow_nil=>true
  setting is used.

* The pagination, pretty_table, query, schema_caching,
  schema_dumper, and select_remove extensions can now be
  loaded by Database#extension. If you are loading them
  globally via Sequel.extension, switch to using
  Database#extension, since that will be required starting
  in Sequel 4.

* The lazy_attributes plugin no longer uses the identity_map plugin
  internally, and eager loading lazy attributes now works correctly
  without an active identity map.

* The many_to_one_pk_lookup plugin now handles many more corner
  cases, and should be safe to enable by default.

* The static_cache plugin now has optimized implementations of, .to_hash, and .to_hash_groups which work without a
  database query. Model.count without arguments has also been
  optimized to not require a database query.

* Fetching new records has been made faster when using the
  update_primary_key plugin, since it was changed to cache the primary
  key values lazily.

* When using the update_primary_key plugin, if the primary key
  changes, clear the associations cache of all non-many_to_one
  associations (since those will likely be based on the primary

* The pg_typecast_on_load plugin no longer errors if given a
  column that doesn't have a matching oid conversion proc.

* Handling of domain types on PostgreSQL has been significantly
  improved. Domain type columns now have correct model
  typecasting, and the pg_row extension correctly sets up
  conversion procs for domain types inside composite types.

* Postgres::HStoreOp#- now automatically casts string input to
  text, so that PostgreSQL doesn't assume the string is an

* Postgres::PGRangeOp#starts_before and #ends_after have been
  renamed to #ends_before and #starts_after. The previous
  names were misleading. The old names are still available
  for backwards compatibility, but they will be removed in the
  Sequel 4.

* The pg_row plugin now handles aliased tables correctly.

* Model#validate in the validation_class_methods plugin no
  longer skips validate methods in superclasses or previously
  loaded plugins.

* Loading the touch plugin into a model subclass after it has
  been loaded into a model superclass no longer ignores
  inherited touched associations.

* Sequel no longer resets the conversion procs for the
  Database instance when using Databaset#extension to load a
  pg_* extension that adds global conversion procs. Instead,
  the global conversion procs are added to the instance-specific
  conversion procs. The result of this is that manually added
  conversion procs will not be lost if an extension is loaded

* The jdbc adapter now references the driver class before loading
  subadapter specific code, which can fix issues if the database
  tries to connect on initialization (such as the jdbc/postgres
  adapter if the pg_hstore extension is loaded previously).

* A guide describing Sequel's support for advanced PostgreSQL
  features has been added.

= Backwards Compatibility

* If you have already used the constraint_validations plugin to
  create validations with the :allow_nil=>true option, you should
  drop and regenerate those constraints to ensure they handle NULL
  values correctly.

* The change to make PostgreSQL automatically handle domain
  types can break previous code that set up special conversions
  and typecasts per domain type. In the schema parsing, if you
  want to get the domain type information, it will be contained
  in the :db_domain_type and :domain_oid schema entries.

* Sequel::Postgres.use_iso_date_format is now only defined if
  you are using the postgres adapter. Previously, it could
  be defined when using other adapters with a pg_* extension,
  even though the setting had no effect in that case.

* The validation_class_methods plugin now copies validations into
  the subclass upon inheritance, instead of recursing into the
  superclass on validation. This makes it more similar to how
  all the other Sequel plugins work. However, it also means that
  if you add validations to a superclass after creating a
  subclass, the subclass won't have those validations. Additionally
  if you skip superclass validations in a child class after creating
  a grandchild class, the grandchild class could still have the
  parent class's validations.

* The validates_unique validation in validation_helpers no longer
  attempts to do the uniqueness query if the underlying columns
  have validation errors. The reasoning behind this is that if the
  underlying columns are not valid, the uniqueness query can cause
  a DatabaseError.

* If you were passing strings in hstore format to
  Postgres::HStoreOp#-, you should manually cast them to hstore:

    hstore_op - Sequel.cast('a=>b', :hstore)

* The default validation error message for validates_type has been

* Database#schema_column_type was made public accidently by an
  adapter and a few extensions. That has been fixed, but if you
  were calling it with an explicit receiver and it happened to
  work by accident before, you'll need to update your code.

= Sequel 4 Implementation Planning

* Sequel 4 implementation work will begin shortly. All Sequel users
  are encouraged to read about the proposed changes and provide
  feedback on the implementation plan. For details, see


* {Website}[]
* {Source code}[]
* {Blog}[]
* {Bug tracking}[]
* {Google group}[]
* {RDoc}[]


* A :keep_reference Database option has been added. When set to

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