ANN: semich.rb Meeting (Southeast Michigan Ruby Users Group)

Time: 7pm - 8:30pm

Humantech (Main Conference Room) 1161 Oak Valley Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Details: This will be our first meeting. The meeting is open to the
public, please feel free to attend if you have an interest in learning
more about Ruby, and sharing your experiences.


- User Group Welcome and Overview - Timothy Fisher
  Focus/Mission of the group.
  O'Reilly User Group Program member overview.

- Member Introductions - Group discussion
  How long have you been using Ruby?
  What interesting projects have you worked on?
  Do you use Ruby professionally?

- RubyMI Future
  next meeting...
  future presentations/discussion ideas...
  collaborate on a project???

See for more information

Hope to see you there


Date: Thursday, September 29