[ANN] rubyzip-0.5.0

Just wanted to let you know that I have released a new version of
rubyzip that works with the latest versions of ruby and ruby-zlib.

There are also some other goodies like bug fixes and a new interface
for accessing and manipulating zip archives based on an API similar to
::Dir and ::File using ZipFile::dir and ZipFile::file.

In this release I have also changed the method namimg conventions from
camelCase to ruby_style.

Download: rubyzip - Browse Files at SourceForge.net
Home: http://rubyzip.sourceforge.net



####### Example of the new ::Dir,::File inspired Zip api

Instead of invoking methods on Dir and File you

simply invoke them on zipFileInstance.dir and zipFileInstance.file

require ‘zip/zipfilesystem’

Zip::ZipFile.open(“myArchive.zip”, Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) {


zipFile.file.open(“file.txt”, “w”) { |os| os.puts “Stuff 1”

zipFile.dir.mkdir “someDir”
zipFile.dir.chdir “someDir”

zipFile.file.open(“file.txt”, “w”) { |os| os.puts “Stuff 2” }
zipFile.file.open(“file2.txt”, “w”) { |os| os.puts “Stuff 3” }

puts “file.txt: #{zipFile.file.read(‘…/file.txt’)}”
puts “someDir/file.txt: #{zipFile.file.read(‘file.txt’)}”

puts “\nzip contents:”
puts zipFile.entries.join(“\n”)

puts “\nCurrent dir entries:”
puts zipFile.dir.entries(‘.’).join(“\n”)