[ANN] RubyStuff: The Ruby Shop for Ruby Programmers

Announcing the formal grand opening of Ruby Stuff: The Ruby Shop for Ruby Programmers.


In an effort to help fund ruby-doc.org and rubyxml.com, I assembled a
variety of designs and opened up multiple shops on CafePress to hawk
apparel, clocks, mugs, mouse pads, assorted sundries.

The RubyStuff site provides a set of aggregate pages so you can see the
different designs in one place. All actual purchases are done on the
corresponding CafePress site.

* Get your stylish Ruby Hacker mouse pad!

* Proudly, and noisily, slurp your coffee from a stunning "I (heart)
Ruby" mug!

* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

Browse around and see what's there.

General info is at


James Britt



http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

James Britt wrote:

* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

Gawd, that's one of the funniest things I've seen all week. I need one.

p.s. Despite what it says on the front page, I won't feel "namked" without a shirt. I don't even wanna know what "namked" feels like. :slight_smile:

If I was cosidering to buy one I would appreciate a wider choice of
T-shirt types. I have seen the ubuntu shop a few days ago and they have
what looks like the same (and additional) types of T-shirts, just with
different graphics.


Michal Suchanek


On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 12:50:52AM +0900, James Britt wrote:

* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

A german "Rübe" wich is pronounced quite similar to "Rüby" is turnip.
Don't know if turnips are hardcore in english speaking countries. (I
don't know if there are lanuages except from turkish and german that
use the u-umlaut, so maybe theres more fun out there)





Stringed instrument chords: http://chordlist.brian-schroeder.de/

Cool stuff!

Could you add a design with the cute ruby (gem) from here?:

I'd definitely buy one then :slight_smile:


Vincent Foley wrote:

Hey James,

just a quick question: I'm from Canada, how does it work if I want to
order a couple of t-shirts? Do I just put my credit card number, and
the right canadian amount will be added to my bill?

Actual transactions are done by CafePress, who accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. I looked around the CafePress help section and didn't see anything referring to currency exchange; I have to believe, though, that this happens transparently.

And it appears there are a number of Canadian customers:




http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

I already got my mug and t-shirt here in ottawa. I had to pay some
money COD to the postman. I guess this PST / GST for the goods. Other
then that there was no difference from ordering within canada.


On 6/9/05, Vincent Foley <vfoley@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey James,

just a quick question: I'm from Canada, how does it work if I want to
order a couple of t-shirts? Do I just put my credit card number, and
the right canadian amount will be added to my bill?


http://www.snowdevil.ca - Snowboards that don't suck
http://typo.leetsoft.com - Open source weblog engine
http://blog.leetsoft.com - Technical weblog

I know CafePress is easy, but the shirts look generic, the quality is
poor, and most of the money goes to CafePress not to supporting Ruby.

It really isn't that hard to get decent shirts printed up by a real
print shop that will look better, sell better, and raise more $$.
After all we're trying to convince people that Ruby is for real, yeah?

Nothing says just another obscure vanity project like a CafePress
shirt. :slight_smile:



* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

My sister gave me this shirt for xmas.. maybe she can make some more?
(sorry for showoff :slight_smile:

btw: I am considering buying a ruby mug for my job.


On 6/8/05, James Britt <james_b@neurogami.com> wrote:

Simon Strandgaard

jason r tibbetts wrote:

p.s. Despite what it says on the front page, I won't feel "namked" without a shirt. I don't even wanna know what "namked" feels like. :slight_smile:

Dang. Ned a neew spel cheker.




http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote:


On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 12:50:52AM +0900, James Britt wrote:

* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

If I was cosidering to buy one I would appreciate a wider choice of
T-shirt types. I have seen the ubuntu shop a few days ago and they have
what looks like the same (and additional) types of T-shirts, just with
different graphics.

There's also the one I created (but haven't maintained much
lately) linked from rubyhacker.com:


I should work on it again, especially the poster, which needs to
be fixed. It's on my list.


Robin Stocker wrote:

Cool stuff!

Could you add a design with the cute ruby (gem) from here?:

Only if the designer of the image says it's OK.




http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Could you add a design with the cute ruby (gem) from here?:
I'd definitely buy one then :slight_smile:



When I registered to cafepress, I was given a country choice. And now,
I have two t-shirts (Ruby Hacker and Red pill) and one sweatshirt (Ruby


The currency exchange is usually handled by the credit card company. They add an FX fee for it as well so be aware of that in your price calculations. I usually add it up something like this

total cost = (cost of goods + freight) * fx rate + fx fee

YMMV. You may be luck enough to be able to carry out the transaction in your domestic currency which will make things a lot simpler.


ps FX = Foreign Exchange


On 09/06/2005, at 11:25 PM, James Britt wrote:

Vincent Foley wrote:

Hey James,
just a quick question: I'm from Canada, how does it work if I want to
order a couple of t-shirts? Do I just put my credit card number, and
the right canadian amount will be added to my bill?

Actual transactions are done by CafePress, who accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. I looked around the CafePress help section and didn't see anything referring to currency exchange; I have to believe, though, that this happens transparently.

And it appears there are a number of Canadian customers:

Gifts - CafePress


http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

kellan wrote:

I know CafePress is easy, but the shirts look generic, the quality is
poor, and most of the money goes to CafePress not to supporting Ruby.

True. But CafePress is providing a service, and I am unaware of a better way to provide such goods.

BTW, CafePress offers a 30-day money back guarantee (minus shipping costs, sadly) if one feels they have been sold crap.


It really isn't that hard to get decent shirts printed up by a real
print shop that will look better, sell better, and raise more $$.

Do you have details? Anything to show that a print shop run of 4 coffee mugs and five shirts, with 3 different designs, will net me more than using CafePress?

Really, I'd be happier using a local business for this, but my limited experience with printing and such is that there is no way to get this sort of ease of manufacturing, variety of designs, on-line credit card processing, and distribution when dealing with sporadic demand.

Any specific information to the contrary is welcome.

After all we're trying to convince people that Ruby is for real, yeah?

No, not really. At least, I don't think T-shirts and coffee mugs do that as well as the language itself, and that isn't the goal of the CafePress shops.

Nothing says just another obscure vanity project like a CafePress
shirt. :slight_smile:

Can I put that on a shirt?




http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

kellan wrote:

I know CafePress is easy, but the shirts look generic, the quality is
poor, and most of the money goes to CafePress not to supporting Ruby.

It really isn't that hard to get decent shirts printed up by a real
print shop that will look better, sell better, and raise more $$.
After all we're trying to convince people that Ruby is for real, yeah?

True enough, but then you have to worry about inventory, shipping,
credit card processing, and more.

If you have a good solution, let us know.


Simon Strandgaard wrote:


* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

My sister gave me this shirt for xmas.. maybe she can make some more?
(sorry for showoff :slight_smile:

Oh, nice!

btw: I am considering buying a ruby mug for my job.




On 6/8/05, James Britt <james_b@neurogami.com> wrote:

Simon Strandgaard



http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Please let us know if she can/will make more... I'd absolutely like one,
I've loved it since I first saw the picture you sent to the list a while
back :slight_smile:
(note that I have no idea how it was made, this is only a proposition if
it was easy to make.)


* On Jun 16 7:04, Simon Strandgaard (ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org) wrote:

My sister gave me this shirt for xmas.. maybe she can make some more?
(sorry for showoff :slight_smile:

i still wear my shirt often - get a lot of comments on it :wink:



On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Hal Fulton wrote:

Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote:

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 12:50:52AM +0900, James Britt wrote:

* Spook the Javahead in the next cube by wearing an attractively
intimidating "Rüby: Speed-metal coding" T-shirt (Yes! It's the
heavy-metal umlaut!)

If I was cosidering to buy one I would appreciate a wider choice of
T-shirt types. I have seen the ubuntu shop a few days ago and they have
what looks like the same (and additional) types of T-shirts, just with
different graphics.

There's also the one I created (but haven't maintained much
lately) linked from rubyhacker.com:


I should work on it again, especially the poster, which needs to
be fixed. It's on my list.


email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
--Tenzin Gyatso
