"You have to come. I went last year and had the most wonderful
three days in the company of most of the best Ruby hackers. I'm
so most definitely going again this year. You have to come."
-- David Heinemeier Hansson, on the upcoming RubyConf 2005
Dear Rubyists,
We are pleased to announce that preregistration for the fifth
International Ruby Conference (RubyConf 2005) is now open. You can
preregister at: http://www.rubyconf.org/conference/prereg
The Conference will be held in San Diego, California, USA, from
October 14 to October 16, 2005. As always, we rotate among time
zones, and it's the West Coast's turn. Also, OOPSLA is going to be in
San Diego, starting October 16, so RubyConf will dovetail nicely for
people who want to go to both. (See http://www.oopsla.org)
We do not have a venue yet, but we are actively looking.
Preregistration helps us enormously in our planning, so if you're
thinking of coming, please preregister, even if you're not 100% sure.
Also, the preregistration form is now Rails-supported, so that
everything will be nicely stored and when registration itself comes
around, you won't have to type it all in again
If you have not been to RubyConf before, make this your year! We try
to keep registration fees low, and to choose venues in or near
affordable hotels, so that as many Rubyists as possible can attend.
It's three days of talks, demos, coding, and Ruby comradery. Not to
be missed!
Please contact us if you have questions or problems with the
preregistration process.
Happy Rubying --
David Black
Chad Fowler
Rich Kilmer
for RubyConf 2005 and Ruby Central, Inc.