[ANN] RubyConf 2005 Preregistration now open!

"You have to come. I went last year and had the most wonderful
   three days in the company of most of the best Ruby hackers. I'm
   so most definitely going again this year. You have to come."

     -- David Heinemeier Hansson, on the upcoming RubyConf 2005

Dear Rubyists,

We are pleased to announce that preregistration for the fifth
International Ruby Conference (RubyConf 2005) is now open. You can
preregister at: http://www.rubyconf.org/conference/prereg

The Conference will be held in San Diego, California, USA, from
October 14 to October 16, 2005. As always, we rotate among time
zones, and it's the West Coast's turn. Also, OOPSLA is going to be in
San Diego, starting October 16, so RubyConf will dovetail nicely for
people who want to go to both. (See http://www.oopsla.org)
We do not have a venue yet, but we are actively looking.

Preregistration helps us enormously in our planning, so if you're
thinking of coming, please preregister, even if you're not 100% sure.
Also, the preregistration form is now Rails-supported, so that
everything will be nicely stored and when registration itself comes
around, you won't have to type it all in again :slight_smile:

If you have not been to RubyConf before, make this your year! We try
to keep registration fees low, and to choose venues in or near
affordable hotels, so that as many Rubyists as possible can attend.
It's three days of talks, demos, coding, and Ruby comradery. Not to
be missed!

Please contact us if you have questions or problems with the
preregistration process.

Happy Rubying --

David Black
Chad Fowler
Rich Kilmer

for RubyConf 2005 and Ruby Central, Inc.

Thanks to the organizers for the work they put in to make RubyConf
happen. Unfortunately I won't be attending this year, because I don't
trust the USA govt with my f'ngerprints. On principle I disagree with
any government holding b'ometric identification information on
citizens or visitors, it gives them too much control over us.
Corporate totalitarian systems like that of the USA may use such
information, if they're not already, to aid in suppressing political
dissent. Avoiding my details entering USA's b'ometric identification
database was part of the reason I left the USA last year.

I'll probably be attending EuRuKo instead.



On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 23:43:55 +0900, David A. Black <dblack@wobblini.net> wrote:

   "You have to come. I went last year and had the most wonderful
   three days in the company of most of the best Ruby hackers. I'm
   so most definitely going again this year. You have to come."

     -- David Heinemeier Hansson, on the upcoming RubyConf 2005

Dear Rubyists,

We are pleased to announce that preregistration for the fifth
International Ruby Conference (RubyConf 2005) is now open. You can
preregister at: http://www.rubyconf.org/conference/prereg

The Conference will be held in San Diego, California, USA, from
October 14 to October 16, 2005. As always, we rotate among time
zones, and it's the West Coast's turn. Also, OOPSLA is going to be in
San Diego, starting October 16, so RubyConf will dovetail nicely for
people who want to go to both. (See http://www.oopsla.org)
We do not have a venue yet, but we are actively looking.

Preregistration helps us enormously in our planning, so if you're
thinking of coming, please preregister, even if you're not 100% sure.
Also, the preregistration form is now Rails-supported, so that
everything will be nicely stored and when registration itself comes
around, you won't have to type it all in again :slight_smile:

If you have not been to RubyConf before, make this your year! We try
to keep registration fees low, and to choose venues in or near
affordable hotels, so that as many Rubyists as possible can attend.
It's three days of talks, demos, coding, and Ruby comradery. Not to
be missed!

Please contact us if you have questions or problems with the
preregistration process.

Happy Rubying --

David Black
Chad Fowler
Rich Kilmer

for RubyConf 2005 and Ruby Central, Inc.

Woo-ha! I just pre-reg'd. Everybody else should, too. To echo DHH's endorsement below: Rubyists are both among the smartest programmers you'll meet, and the nicest, and both of those qualities are on ample display at RubyConf. I've attended for the past two years, and each time I've gone I've found it immensely educating, inspiring, and just plain fun.


On Mar 22, 2005, at 9:43 AM, David A. Black wrote:

  "You have to come. I went last year and had the most wonderful
  three days in the company of most of the best Ruby hackers. I'm
  so most definitely going again this year. You have to come."

    -- David Heinemeier Hansson, on the upcoming RubyConf 2005

Dear Rubyists,

We are pleased to announce that preregistration for the fifth
International Ruby Conference (RubyConf 2005) is now open. You can
preregister at: http://www.rubyconf.org/conference/prereg

The Conference will be held in San Diego, California, USA, from
October 14 to October 16, 2005. As always, we rotate among time
zones, and it's the West Coast's turn. Also, OOPSLA is going to be in
San Diego, starting October 16, so RubyConf will dovetail nicely for
people who want to go to both. (See http://www.oopsla.org)
We do not have a venue yet, but we are actively looking.

Preregistration helps us enormously in our planning, so if you're
thinking of coming, please preregister, even if you're not 100% sure.
Also, the preregistration form is now Rails-supported, so that
everything will be nicely stored and when registration itself comes
around, you won't have to type it all in again :slight_smile:

If you have not been to RubyConf before, make this your year! We try
to keep registration fees low, and to choose venues in or near
affordable hotels, so that as many Rubyists as possible can attend.
It's three days of talks, demos, coding, and Ruby comradery. Not to
be missed!

Please contact us if you have questions or problems with the
preregistration process.

Happy Rubying --

David Black
Chad Fowler
Rich Kilmer

for RubyConf 2005 and Ruby Central, Inc.

Francis Hwang

I'll be there, speaking and gladhanding with the code monkeys. It will
be a treat to meet so many of you in person. David, and gang, thanks
for putting on a great show!


We are pleased to announce that preregistration for the fifth
International Ruby Conference (RubyConf 2005) is now open. You can
preregister at: http://www.rubyconf.org/conference/prereg

My girlfriend comandeered my RubyConf 2002 t-shirt, so now I need a new

Count me in.

PS. Do we get Matz back this year?


* David A. Black (dblack@wobblini.net) wrote:

Paul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org> pabs in #ruby-lang (OPN IRC)
http://www.pablotron.org/ OpenPGP Key ID: 0x82C29562

In spite of the ringing RubyConf endorsement I just mailed to the list, I also do have to say, unfortunately, that I sympathize quite a bit with Rob's statement. I'm a U.S. citizen myself, but I know quite a number of non-citizens who are now reluctant to travel here because 1) they don't want to subject to the level of monitoring or 2) they expect they won't be allowed in. (I've known some people to have to subject to delays of up to six months to get an entrance to the U.S. approved.)

So, not to be excessively demanding of the RubyConf organizers, but I'd like to humbly suggest that next year, a Canadian venue be considered. Both Vancouver and Montreal are quite nice, I hear. Though of course there's no chance of an OOPSLA overlap then ...


On Mar 22, 2005, at 11:00 AM, Rob . wrote:

Thanks to the organizers for the work they put in to make RubyConf
happen. Unfortunately I won't be attending this year, because I don't
trust the USA govt with my f'ngerprints. On principle I disagree with
any government holding b'ometric identification information on
citizens or visitors, it gives them too much control over us.
Corporate totalitarian systems like that of the USA may use such
information, if they're not already, to aid in suppressing political
dissent. Avoiding my details entering USA's b'ometric identification
database was part of the reason I left the USA last year.

I'll probably be attending EuRuKo instead.


Francis Hwang

I have to agree. It was really great being around folks who are so much smarter than I am. Now I just need to figure out how to hang around such talented Ruby programmers the rest of the year so I can really develop my skills. Any suggestions?

-- Matt
Nothing great was ever accomplished without _passion_


On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Francis Hwang wrote:

Woo-ha! I just pre-reg'd. Everybody else should, too. To echo DHH's endorsement below: Rubyists are both among the smartest programmers you'll meet, and the nicest, and both of those qualities are on ample display at RubyConf. I've attended for the past two years, and each time I've gone I've found it immensely educating, inspiring, and just plain fun.

Rob . schrieb:

Thanks to the organizers for the work they put in to make RubyConf
happen. Unfortunately I won't be attending this year, because I don't
trust the USA govt with my f'ngerprints. (...)

+= 1

This is not the only reason I won't attend RubyConf (a trip to the US would be too expensive for me anyway), but the current procedures when visiting the USA are a definite show stopper for me.

I really, really loved this country and the people there.

Regards from The Old Europe,

Rob . wrote:

Thanks to the organizers for the work they put in to make RubyConf
happen. Unfortunately I won't be attending this year, because I don't
trust the USA govt with my f'ngerprints. On principle I disagree with
any government holding b'ometric identification information on
citizens or visitors, it gives them too much control over us.
Corporate totalitarian systems like that of the USA may use such
information, if they're not already, to aid in suppressing political
dissent. Avoiding my details entering USA's b'ometric identification
database was part of the reason I left the USA last year.

I'll probably be attending EuRuKo instead.


I agree with this too. I will not be attending any conferences in the US due to current travel polices of the US govt. I am planning on attending a few in Canada and Europe this year however.

Woo-ha! I just pre-reg'd. Everybody else should, too. To echo DHH's
endorsement below: Rubyists are both among the smartest programmers
you'll meet, and the nicest, and both of those qualities are on ample
display at RubyConf. I've attended for the past two years, and each
time I've gone I've found it immensely educating, inspiring, and just
plain fun.

And I hear we're better looking too.


On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 01:01:18 +0900, Francis Hwang <sera@fhwang.net> wrote:

On Mar 22, 2005, at 9:43 AM, David A. Black wrote:

> "You have to come. I went last year and had the most wonderful
> three days in the company of most of the best Ruby hackers. I'm
> so most definitely going again this year. You have to come."
> -- David Heinemeier Hansson, on the upcoming RubyConf 2005
> Dear Rubyists,
> We are pleased to announce that preregistration for the fifth
> International Ruby Conference (RubyConf 2005) is now open. You can
> preregister at: http://www.rubyconf.org/conference/prereg
> The Conference will be held in San Diego, California, USA, from
> October 14 to October 16, 2005. As always, we rotate among time
> zones, and it's the West Coast's turn. Also, OOPSLA is going to be in
> San Diego, starting October 16, so RubyConf will dovetail nicely for
> people who want to go to both. (See http://www.oopsla.org)
> We do not have a venue yet, but we are actively looking.
> Preregistration helps us enormously in our planning, so if you're
> thinking of coming, please preregister, even if you're not 100% sure.
> Also, the preregistration form is now Rails-supported, so that
> everything will be nicely stored and when registration itself comes
> around, you won't have to type it all in again :slight_smile:
> If you have not been to RubyConf before, make this your year! We try
> to keep registration fees low, and to choose venues in or near
> affordable hotels, so that as many Rubyists as possible can attend.
> It's three days of talks, demos, coding, and Ruby comradery. Not to
> be missed!
> Please contact us if you have questions or problems with the
> preregistration process.
> Happy Rubying --
> David Black
> Chad Fowler
> Rich Kilmer
> for RubyConf 2005 and Ruby Central, Inc.
> http://www.rubycentral.org

Francis Hwang

I hope so, but I certainly agree that his family is much more important. Maybe he can bring them with him, I suspect the attendees would try to spoil the youngsters, I know I would, I like children and don't have any of my own.

-- Matt
Nothing great was ever accomplished without _passion_


On Mon, 28 Mar 2005, Paul Duncan wrote:

PS. Do we get Matz back this year?



In message "Re: [ANN] RubyConf 2005 Preregistration now open!" on Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:12:15 +0900, Paul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org> writes:

PS. Do we get Matz back this year?

I think I can go, if budget allows.


> We are pleased to announce that preregistration for the fifth
> International Ruby Conference (RubyConf 2005) is now open. You can
> preregister at: http://www.rubyconf.org/conference/prereg

My girlfriend comandeered my RubyConf 2002 t-shirt, so now I need a new

I so want to go. It'd be nice if the conf t-shirts are available
online. Or even better if someone could send me one, here in India.


On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:12:15 +0900, Paul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org> wrote:

* David A. Black (dblack@wobblini.net) wrote:

Count me in.

PS. Do we get Matz back this year?

Paul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org> pabs in #ruby-lang (OPN IRC)
http://www.pablotron.org/ OpenPGP Key ID: 0x82C29562

Premshree Pillai

Matt Lawrence wrote:

Woo-ha! I just pre-reg'd. Everybody else should, too. To echo DHH's endorsement below: Rubyists are both among the smartest programmers you'll meet, and the nicest, and both of those qualities are on ample display at RubyConf. I've attended for the past two years, and each time I've gone I've found it immensely educating, inspiring, and just plain fun.

I have to agree. It was really great being around folks who are so much smarter than I am. Now I just need to figure out how to hang around such talented Ruby programmers the rest of the year so I can really develop my skills. Any suggestions?

If you guys want to organise something during the 2006 edition of FOSDEM, this should be possible.
I'll forward the Call For Presence on this list like I did (without success) for the 2005 edition.



On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Francis Hwang wrote:

-- Matt
Nothing great was ever accomplished without _passion_

And Toronto even has at least one person who would be willing to help
with the organisation.

(That would be me, by the way.)


On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 01:05:36 +0900, Francis Hwang <sera@fhwang.net> wrote:

In spite of the ringing RubyConf endorsement I just mailed to the list,
I also do have to say, unfortunately, that I sympathize quite a bit
with Rob's statement. I'm a U.S. citizen myself, but I know quite a
number of non-citizens who are now reluctant to travel here because 1)
they don't want to subject to the level of monitoring or 2) they expect
they won't be allowed in. (I've known some people to have to subject to
delays of up to six months to get an entrance to the U.S. approved.)

So, not to be excessively demanding of the RubyConf organizers, but I'd
like to humbly suggest that next year, a Canadian venue be considered.
Both Vancouver and Montreal are quite nice, I hear. Though of course
there's no chance of an OOPSLA overlap then ...

Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
               * Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca

I wanted to go, but I am afraid I will have to do some dieting first
in that case.



On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 03:40:33 +0900, Joe Van Dyk <joevandyk@gmail.com> wrote:

And I hear we're better looking too.

Anybody for Winnipeg? I hear it's nice in the winter.

But seriously, Vancouver and Montreal are amazing. Toronto's pretty nice too. I'd go to any one of them.



On Mar 24, 2005, at 18:32, Austin Ziegler wrote:

And Toronto even has at least one person who would be willing to help
with the organisation.