Hello all,
We would like to invite you to preregister for Ruby Conference 2004.
The conference web page is at:
Ruby Conference 2004 will be held in Reston, VA (Washington DC area)
at the Chantilly-Dulles Expo Center from September 31 to October 2.
Additional hotel details are included on the conference web site.
Preregistration is not a commitment on your part. Even if you are NOT
planning to come, please visit the preregistration site. We have
included an option for those not planning to attend to help us collect
information on the reasons why (to improve locations, dates, etc. for
the years to come).
Please pre-register as soon as possible to help us plan expenses and
hotel accommodations.
If you have questions, we can be contacted at
conference@rubycentral.org, via personal email to myself or David
Black, or on irc (“chad” or “dblack”).
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the conference!
Chad Fowler
David Alan Black
for Ruby Central, Inc. (http://www.rubycentral.org)
As a couple of people were kind enough to point out, there is a very
important typo in this message. The conference is October 1 - 3.
On Thu, 20 May 2004 09:28:22 +0900, Chad Fowler chad@chadfowler.com wrote:
Hello all,
We would like to invite you to preregister for Ruby Conference 2004.
The conference web page is at:
Ruby Conference 2004 will be held in Reston, VA (Washington DC area)
at the Chantilly-Dulles Expo Center from September 31 to October 2.
Additional hotel details are included on the conference web site.
Preregistration is not a commitment on your part. Even if you are NOT
planning to come, please visit the preregistration site. We have
included an option for those not planning to attend to help us collect
information on the reasons why (to improve locations, dates, etc. for
the years to come).
Please pre-register as soon as possible to help us plan expenses and
hotel accommodations.
If you have questions, we can be contacted at
conference@rubycentral.org, via personal email to myself or David
Black, or on irc (“chad” or “dblack”).
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the conference!
Chad Fowler
David Alan Black
for Ruby Central, Inc. (http://www.rubycentral.org)