[ANN] Ruby Web Bench 0.0.1 (was Re: [ANN] Ruby Web Bench 0.0.0 (RWB))

> I think your calculations on the mean request time might be wrong
> since the overall request time's 50%tile is 41msecs witha shortest of 18.

Yeah, I noticed that while I was playing with another report on the bus ride
home :frowning:

Look for a fixed version tomorrow (after a Tuesday morning

fixed now. I was taking a shortcut and not thinking about the fact that
the multi-threading was going to throw off the timing.

> Also, where's the standard deviation?

On the list of things to do. :slight_smile:

And done. All bundled up with a nice new tarball. This one opens up a
another reporting option as well:

tests = RWB::Runner.new(urls, 1000, 50)

will create something like:
$ ruby -Ilib quick.rb
completed 100 runs
completed 200 runs
completed 300 runs
completed 400 runs
completed 500 runs
completed 600 runs
completed 700 runs
completed 800 runs
completed 900 runs
completed 1000 runs
Concurrency Level: 50
Total Requests: 1000
Total time for testing: 7.594952 secs
Requests per second: 131.666401578311
Mean time per request: 80 msecs
Standard deviation: 81 msecs
Overall results:
        Shortest time: 49 msecs
        50.0%ile time: 79 msecs
        90.0%ile time: 98 msecs
        Longest time: 151 msecs
Results by time:
results for requests 0 - 200
        Shortest time: 49 msecs
        50.0%ile time: 77 msecs
        90.0%ile time: 98 msecs
        Longest time: 151 msecs
results for requests 200 - 400
        Shortest time: 56 msecs
        50.0%ile time: 78 msecs
        90.0%ile time: 95 msecs
        Longest time: 126 msecs
results for requests 400 - 600
        Shortest time: 55 msecs
        50.0%ile time: 79 msecs
        90.0%ile time: 95 msecs
        Longest time: 115 msecs
results for requests 600 - 800
        Shortest time: 56 msecs
        50.0%ile time: 82 msecs
        90.0%ile time: 101 msecs
        Longest time: 126 msecs
results for requests 800 - 1000
        Shortest time: 56 msecs
        50.0%ile time: 80 msecs
        90.0%ile time: 102 msecs
        Longest time: 123 msecs

Any other comments/requests?

Once again -- comments, suggestions, requests, patches, etc. are all welcome.


On 11/7/05, pat eyler <pat.eyler@gmail.com> wrote:

On 11/7/05, zedshaw@zedshaw.com <zedshaw@zedshaw.com> wrote:

> Zed A. Shaw
> http://www.zedshaw.com/
> <snip>
> >
> > Concurrency Level: 50
> > Total Requests: 1000
> > Total time for testing: 4.148434 secs
> > Requests per second: 241.054817311786
> > Mean request time: 4 msecs
> > Overall results:
> > Shortest time: 18 msecs
> > 50.0%ile time: 41 msecs
> > 90.0%ile time: 55 msecs
> > 99.9%ile time: 81 msecs
> > Longest time: 81 msecs
> <snip>

