[ANN] Ruby on Rails Workshop in Kansas City!

Ruby on Rails Workshop


  Kansas City Ruby User's Group (http://kcrug.org/) proudly presents the first "Ruby on Rails Workshop" for those eager to get started into Ruby on Rails. This one-and-half-day workshop will offer a quick introduction to Ruby and the Ruby on Rails web application framework.
  Sponsored by Reevik, Inc., it will provide web developers with a basic understanding of the concepts, tools and tips needed to build full-featured web applications using Ruby on Rails.
  The workshop is spread over three half-day sessions on June 19th, 20th, and 21st. Here are the details:
  Days: June 19th, 20th, 21st.
Time: 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Venue: Overland Park Community Center,
              Room 204,
              6300W. 87th Street,
              Overland Park, KS 66212, USA
              (913) 895-6390
  Fees: $150.00 (payable in check only, at the door)
Max Limit: 25 attendees
RSVP: shanko_date (at) yahoo dot com
Speaker: Shashank Date, Founder Member, KCRUG
  Speaker Bio: Shashank has been using Ruby for over four years both professionally and on his hobby projects. He has been dabbling with the Ruby on Rails framework since its inception, although professionally only since early this year. He is actively involved in various open source projects using Ruby and is the co-editor of the online zine "Ruby Code & Style" (http://www.artima.com/rubycs). He is the technical editor of two forthcoming titles being published by Sams Publishing. Shashank is also the President of Reevik, Inc.
  Note: The facility does _not_ have computers or Internet connection.
        Please bring your own laptops, if possible. CD full of Windows based goodies will be distributed.
        Free Pizza/Subs/Soft-drinks will also be provided.
  **** RSVP's will be highly appreciated: shanko_date (at) yahoo dot com ****
           Day1: Introduction to Ruby
                 * Language Basics
                 * Classes and Modules
                 * Blocks
                 * Dynamics and Reflection
                 * Libraries and Tools
             Day2: Introduction to Ruby on Rails
                 * Intro to MVC Architecture
                 * Developing a simple Rails application
                 * Views & Controllers
                 * Layouts
                 * ActiveRecord
                 * ActionController filters
           Day3: Developing a full-featured web application
                 * ActiveRecord filters and observers
                 * Active Record Migrations
                 * Unit tests and fixtures
                 * Functional testing
                 * Integration testing
                 * AJAX and RJS
-- Shashank Daté
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