[ANN] Ruby/GtkMozEmbed 0.3


Let me introduce Ruby/GtkMozEmbed to you!

Ruby/GtkMozEmbed provides a Ruby binging to the GtkMozEmbed widget, a
Gtk+ widget that embeds a mozilla/firefox browser inside a widget. This
is the first public release.

To try this you'll need also Gtk+, Ruby/GTK 0.12.0 and mozilla 1.7.x.

And now for some links:

* Ruby/GtkMozEmbed 0.3 can be downloaded from:

* You will be able to find some samples here:

* And the API docs here:




On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 03:09:49 +0900, Mirko Maischberger <mirko@lilik.it> wrote:


Let me introduce Ruby/GtkMozEmbed to you!

Ruby/GtkMozEmbed provides a Ruby binging to the GtkMozEmbed widget, a
Gtk+ widget that embeds a mozilla/firefox browser inside a widget. This
is the first public release.

To try this you'll need also Gtk+, Ruby/GTK 0.12.0 and mozilla 1.7.x.

And now for some links:

* Ruby/GtkMozEmbed 0.3 can be downloaded from:
  Ruby-GNOME 2 - Browse Files at SourceForge.net

* You will be able to find some samples here:

* And the API docs here:

This is an awesome project. I look forward to trying it out.


Hello Mirko,

Let me introduce Ruby/GtkMozEmbed to you!

Ruby/GtkMozEmbed provides a Ruby binging to the GtkMozEmbed widget, a
Gtk+ widget that embeds a mozilla/firefox browser inside a widget. This
is the first public release.

To try this you'll need also Gtk+, Ruby/GTK 0.12.0 and mozilla 1.7.x.

How difficult is it to set the whole thing up without installing
modzilla. Is it possible to sutff a a few *.dll/*.so files into a
directory ?


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Mirko Maischberger wrote:

Let me introduce Ruby/GtkMozEmbed to you!

....and the first bug-fix release (0.3.1) that fixes some build problems


Hello Lothar,

Lothar Scholz wrote:

How difficult is it to set the whole thing up without installing
modzilla. Is it possible to sutff a a few *.dll/*.so files into a
directory ?

I think this is possible, but you'll need a lot of mozilla libraries to
make it work. Installing Mozilla (or perhaps GRE) should be much easier.


Mirko, great work. I'll probably end up using this at some point.

.oO(Oooh! I can use it to migrate my web-app to local seamlessly!)


On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 04:54:47 +0900, Mirko Maischberger <mirko@lilik.it> wrote:

Mirko Maischberger wrote:
> Let me introduce Ruby/GtkMozEmbed to you!

Aredridel wrote:

Mirko, great work. I'll probably end up using this at some point.

oO(Oooh! I can use it to migrate my web-app to local seamlessly!)

Thank you Aredridel,
this thing of the local web-app sounds great. This makes me wonder if I
can also use this to do some kind of UI-testing on a web-app... umh...
perhaps, but this does not seam easy to do.

If you are interested there is also a samples section here:
* http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?RubyGecko
with a simple WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Meant) HTML editor and
