This is a GSL (GNU Scientific Library) wrapper for Ruby. While others
exist (ruby-gsl and rb-gsl), they're either not completely documented in
RDoc or simply too complex to extend and maintain.
=Why? (or Features)=
This wrapper is different for the following reasons:
* There is no (or almost) C/C++ code. This is due to the usage of
RubyFFI (http://github.com/ffi/ffi) which allows binding to C libraries
at run-time.
* Complete RDoc documentation
* It strives to get the best integration with standard Ruby classes by
following method name conventions and such. This means that declarative
names are used, and also aliases to access methods by the most intuitive
name for each user.
* Provides easy extensibility by either adding new Ruby methods to
ease usage of existing classes, or by providing access to other
high-performance libraries (like BLAS, which GSL uses) by the means of
Homepage: http://ruby-gsl-ng.googlecode.com
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.