[ANN] Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3


The Ruby-GNOME2 project released Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3.

Ruby-GNOME2 is a multi platform GUI library for Ruby based
on GTK+ GUI toolkit.

Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3 supports Ruby 2.0.0! Gems for Windows
includes binaries for Ruby 1.9.3 and Ruby 2.0.0.


  gem install gtk2
  gem install gtk3

= About Ruby-GNOME2

Ruby-GNOME2 is a set of Ruby language bindings for the GTK+
2.x and GNOME 2.x development environment.

We need help: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=30609974

= About GTK+

from http://www.gtk.org/

  GTK+ is a highly usable, feature rich toolkit for creating
  graphical user interfaces which boasts cross platform
  compatibility and an easy to use API. GTK+ it is written
  in C, but has bindings to many other popular programming
  languages such as C++, Python and C# among others. GTK+ is
  licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1 allowing development of
  both free and proprietary software with GTK+ without any
  license fees or royalties.

= About GNOME

from http://www.gnome.org/about/

  The GNOME project provides two things: The GNOME desktop
  environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for
  users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive
  framework for building applications that integrate into
  the rest of the desktop.




Testing on Windows 7, Ruiby 2.0.0
* ruby installer Ruby 2.0.0-p0,
* devkit DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe)

Compiling json, eventmachine, ok...

Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3 supports Ruby 2.0.0! Gems for Windows
includes binaries for Ruby 1.9.3 and Ruby 2.0.0.
  gem install gtk2

Ok for windows, but error installing gtksourceview2 :
d:/usr/Ruby/Ruby200/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
checking for new allocation framework... yes
checking for attribute assignment... no
checking for cairo... yes
checking for rb_cairo.h... no
checking for Win32 OS... yes
checking for gtksourceview-2.0... no
checking for brew... no
checking for port... no
*** extconf.rb failed ***

  gem install gtk3

Nok :slight_smile:

error compilling cairo-1.12.4-x86-mingw32 : cairo.h
:No such file or directory

(gem_make.out in attachment)




Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.


Thanks for trying it.

In <d4c44d2bccfcb3b384453eb94827dd20@ruby-forum.com>
  "Re: Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3" on Tue, 19 Mar 2013 01:17:33 +0900,

Testing on Windows 7, Ruiby 2.0.0
* ruby installer Ruby 2.0.0-p0,
* devkit DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe)

Ruby-GNOME2 packages don't require DevKit because
Ruby-GNOME2 packages for Windows bundle binaries.

Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3 supports Ruby 2.0.0! Gems for Windows
includes binaries for Ruby 1.9.3 and Ruby 2.0.0.
  gem install gtk2

Ok for windows, but error installing gtksourceview2 :
d:/usr/Ruby/Ruby200/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb

Umm... Could you confirm that your gem installs
gtksourceview2-1.2.3-x86-mingw32(*1) instead of

(*1) gtksourceview2 | RubyGems.org | your community gem host
(*2) gtksourceview2 | RubyGems.org | your community gem host

-x86-mingw32 version bundles binaries. So building isn't

If your gem want to install -x86-mingw32 version but want to
start building, please update your gem like the following:

  > gem update --system

It may fix it.

  gem install gtk3

Nok :slight_smile:

error compilling cairo-1.12.4-x86-mingw32 : cairo.h
:No such file or directory

It seems that this is also the same problem. x86-mingw32
version should not start building. Please update your gem
and try again.



Regis d'Aubarede <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

  > gem update --system

That's work !

gem install gtksourceview2


gem install gtk3


ruby -e " p Gem::VERSION "


Thank you, ( or perhaps 'Thank Kou ?' :slight_smile:


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Sorry, some more issues on windows ...

* gtksourceview2-1.2.3-x86-mingw32
   seem to be corrupted: LoadError when require it

* goocanvas
  cant find a mingw32 version

* FileChooserDialog
   popup (ruby.exe:3316 : GLib-GIO-ERROR**: No GSettings schemas
             are installed on the system)

* Colors in Greybird style : in
thank you to replace theme_Xg_color by :

@define-color theme_bg_color #fafafa;
@define-color theme_fg_color #3c3c00;

(this color definitions was my modification, a few month ago, in the
Greybird style : on windows, theme_* are not defined !)


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.


In <41bea7da82c36915b1b1479aa01cf61e@ruby-forum.com>
  "Re: Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3" on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 02:18:38 +0900,

Sorry, some more issues on windows ...

No problem. Thanks for trying it. :slight_smile:

* gtksourceview2-1.2.3-x86-mingw32
   seem to be corrupted: LoadError when require it

Umm... Does it work on Ruby 1.9.3? Could you try it?

* goocanvas
  cant find a mingw32 version

Sorry. There is no plan to release it. I want to release it
as GObject Introspection based bindings. But GObject
Introspection can't be cross compiled on Linux. :<

* FileChooserDialog
   popup (ruby.exe:3316 : GLib-GIO-ERROR**: No GSettings schemas
             are installed on the system)

I will fix it in the next release.

* Colors in Greybird style : in
thank you to replace theme_Xg_color by :

@define-color theme_bg_color #fafafa;
@define-color theme_fg_color #3c3c00;

(this color definitions was my modification, a few month ago, in the
Greybird style : on windows, theme_* are not defined !)

Really? It seems that there are theme_* definitions:


  @define-color theme_bg_color @bg_color;
  @define-color theme_fg_color @fg_color;

and bg_color and fg_color are defined at the top:

  @define-color bg_color #cecece;
  @define-color fg_color #3c3c3c;

Am I misunderstood?



Regis d'Aubarede <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

   seem to be corrupted: LoadError when require it

Umm... Does it work on Ruby 1.9.3? Could you try it?

gtk2/gtsourceview2 it is ok, with :

gtk2 1.2.3 => atk:>= 1.2.3 / pango:>= 1.2.3 /
gtksourceview2 1.2.3 => gtk2:>= 1.2.3

With gtk3/gtsourceview2 i got:
%%%%%%%%%%%% cannot load such file -- ./2.0/gtksourceview2.so

from modified
gtksourceview2-1.2.3-x86-mingw32\lib\gtksourceview2.rb as
  major, minor, micro, = RUBY_VERSION.split(/\./)
  require "./#{major}.#{minor}/gtksourceview2.so"
rescue LoadError => e
  puts "%%%%%%%%%%%% #{e}"
  require "gtksourceview2.so"

what is gtsourceview3 ? do i need it for use sourceView with gtk3 ?

* goocanvas

Sorry. There is no plan to release it...

Too bad, i wanted switch to gtk3 for get goocanvas ...

* Colors in Greybird style : in

  @define-color theme_bg_color @bg_color;
  @define-color theme_fg_color @fg_color;
  @define-color bg_color #cecece;
  @define-color fg_color #3c3c3c;

Am I misunderstood?

I had use an other version.

I do not know why, but the references of @bg_color and @fg_color
do not work in definition of theme_bg_color and theme_fg_color,
so my propositoion for obtain a correct look on windows :

@define-color theme_bg_color #fafafa;
@define-color theme_fg_color #000000;



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.


In <686054f37d76b63a3ae937e40b210c4b@ruby-forum.com>
  "Re: Ruby-GNOME2 1.2.3" on Fri, 22 Mar 2013 01:09:24 +0900,

what is gtsourceview3 ? do i need it for use sourceView with gtk3 ?

Yes. You need to use gtksourceview3 for gtk3. You cannot
use gtksourceview2 with gtk2.

* goocanvas

Sorry. There is no plan to release it...

Too bad, i wanted switch to gtk3 for get goocanvas ...

If we compile GObject Introspection for Windows on Linux, we
can provide it. But it requires Python...

* Colors in Greybird style : in

  @define-color theme_bg_color @bg_color;
  @define-color theme_fg_color @fg_color;
  @define-color bg_color #cecece;
  @define-color fg_color #3c3c3c;

Am I misunderstood?

I had use an other version.

I do not know why, but the references of @bg_color and @fg_color
do not work in definition of theme_bg_color and theme_fg_color,
so my propositoion for obtain a correct look on windows :

@define-color theme_bg_color #fafafa;
@define-color theme_fg_color #000000;

Could you show me a sample program, expected screenshot
(maybe you use modified gtk3.css) and actual screenshot (you
use the original gtk3.css)? I will try it on Windows.



Regis d'Aubarede <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote: