I am pleased to announce the release of v0.6.0 of Ruby/Extensions
== What Is It?
A set of methods added to Ruby's standard classes. A few examples,
taken from the methods added in this release:
arr = [1, 3, 5]
arr.rand # -> 1, 3, or 5
arr.none? { |n| n.even? } # -> true
arr.one? { |n| n > 4 } # -> true
Class.by_name "Process::Sys" # -> Process::Sys
Process::Sys.basename # -> "Sys"
'extensions' now contains 52 methods spread around 12 of Ruby's
classes, all well tested and documented.
== Links
http://extensions.rubyforge.org/ (read about it)
http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=89 (download it)
== Installation
gem install extensions
(RPA support usually lags only 1 day.)
Or grab the tarball.