[ANN] Ruby Central presents the European Rails Conference

Hello everyone --

Ruby Central, Inc. is pleased to announce the first official....


          September 14-15, 2006
          TUC Congress Centre
          London, UK

          Sponsored by Skills Matter Ltd. (UK)

Speakers scheduled to appear at this exciting event include:

   * David Heienemeier Hansson
   * Dave Thomas
   * Kathy Sierra
   * Scott Baron
   * Jamis Buck
   * Thomas Fuchs
   * Marcel Molina
   * Chad Fowler
   * David A. Black

Registration is open now! For more information, and to register, see

There will also be a Call for Proposals for presentations, coming

We're looking forward to seeing you in London!


for the European Rails Conferece and Ruby Central, Inc.


David A. Black (dblack@wobblini.net)
* Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypowerandlight.com)
   > Ruby and Rails consultancy and training
* Author of "Ruby for Rails" from Manning Publications!
   > http://www.manning.com/black

* David Heienemeier Hansson


for the European Rails Conferece and Ruby Central, Inc.


I plead jet-lag!! :slight_smile:



On Wed, 17 May 2006, dblack@wobblini.net wrote:

David A. Black (dblack@wobblini.net)
* Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypowerandlight.com)
   > Ruby and Rails consultancy and training
* Author of "Ruby for Rails" from Manning Publications!
   > Ruby for Rails

   * Scott Baron

and s/r/rr/ :wink: Jet lag is a perfectly valid excuse!
