[ANN] Ruby/ActiveLDAP 0.5.1


I'm proud to announce the Ruby/ActiveLDAP 0.5.1

Details and downloads can be found at -


=== What is Ruby/ActiveLDAP?

Ruby/ActiveLDAP is a library, inspired by ActiveRecord, with the purpose
of providing an object oriented mapping of LDAP objects to Ruby objects.
Often, interfacing with LDAP is a tedious and interrupting process. It rarely
follows the normal flow of your application, and almost always requires
referencing the Ruby/LDAP examples, or playing in irb, to get the desired

Ruby/ActiveLDAP aims to make interaction with LDAP as intuitive as possible.

=== Features

Coming features:
* Better duck typing with ActiveRecord
* More code refactoring for optimization
* More complete validations
* Better unit testing
* and more!

Latest changes:
* All values returned by attribute methods are no longer .dup's. This
means that
  you can change an objectClass with -
* All values returned are by default Arrays (this is opposite of how
it was before)
* All attribute methods are now included in #methods. (irb tab
completion works!)
* Data validation and "type" enforcement now occur in #validate
  (and some #enforce_types) instead of being sprinkled throughout the library.
* Additional schema data caching provided with Schema2#class_attributes
* Binary data subtypes work (jpegPhoto, userCertificate;binary, etc)
* Language subtypes work (cn;lang-en-us, cn;lang-jp-JP, etc)
* Ruby/ActiveLDAP can be installed using RubyGems.
* Lots of bug fixes

=== Status

Ruby/ActiveLDAP is slowly getting more and more robust, but expect
more API changes as efforts towards duck-typing with ActiveRecord
continue. I would really like feedback from live testing. Patches,
suggestions, and criticism are desired.

=== An Example

require 'activeldap'
# ==>true

class User < ActiveLDAP::Base
  ldap_mapping :dnattr => 'uid', :prefix => 'ou=People', :classes =>
# ==>User

me = User.new('wad');nil
# ==>nil

# ==>["Will"]

#==>["account", "posixAccount", "top", "shadowAccount"]

# ==>["must", "send", "method", "object_id", "singleton_methods",
"__send__", "equal?", "taint", "frozen?", "instance_variable_get",
"kind_of?", "to_a", "may", "instance_eval", "validate", "type",
"protected_methods", "extend", "eql?", "display",
"instance_variable_set", "hash", "is_a?", "__methods", "to_s",
"logger", "dn", "class", "tainted?", "private_methods", "logger=",
"write", "untaint", "exists?", "id", "inspect", "delete", "==", "===",
"clone", "public_methods", "respond_to?", "attributes", "freeze",
"__id__", "=~", "methods", "method_missing", "nil?", "dup",
"instance_variables", "instance_of?", "shadowInactive", "gidNumber",
"cn", "l", "shadowExpire", "gecos", "organizationalUnitName",
"homeDirectory", "shadowMax", "commonName", "o", "shadowFlag", "uid",
"shadowWarning", "shadowLastChange", "userPassword", "ou",
"description", "userid", "shadowMin", "loginShell", "uidNumber",
"objectClass", "localityName", "host", "organizationName", "seeAlso"]


# ==>["must", "send", "method", "object_id", "singleton_methods",
"__send__", "equal?", "taint", "frozen?", "instance_variable_get",
"kind_of?", "to_a", "may", "instance_eval", "validate", "type",
"protected_methods", "extend", "eql?", "display",
"instance_variable_set", "hash", "is_a?", "__methods", "to_s",
"logger", "dn", "class", "tainted?", "private_methods", "logger=",
"write", "untaint", "exists?", "id", "inspect", "delete", "==", "===",
"clone", "public_methods", "respond_to?", "attributes", "freeze",
"__id__", "=~", "methods", "method_missing", "nil?", "dup",
"instance_variables", "instance_of?", "gidNumber", "cn", "l", "gecos",
"organizationalUnitName", "homeDirectory", "commonName", "o", "uid",
"userPassword", "ou", "description", "userid", "loginShell",
"uidNumber", "objectClass", "localityName", "host",
"organizationName", "seeAlso"]

If anyone has any questions, criticisms (bugs!), or suggestions,
please send them!

