[ANN] rspec 1.2.4 Released

rspec version 1.2.4 has been released!

Be sure to check History.rdoc and Updgrade.rdoc at
http://rspec.rubyforge.org/rspec/1.2.4/ before upgrading.

* <http://rspec.info>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/rspec>
* <http://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/wikis>
* <rspec-devel@rubyforge.org>

Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.


### Version 1.2.4

* bug fix
  * just one - update the manifest

### Version 1.2.3

* enhancements
  * support for specifying single examples with colon syntax. Closes #712.
    (Ben Mabey)
    * you can now say "spec some_spec.rb:12" in addition to "spec some_spec.rb
      --line 12"
  * run specs locally with --drb if no drb server is running. Closes #780.
    * still prints "No server running" to stderr

* bug fixes
  * support expectations on DelegateClass (Clifford T. Matthews). Closes #48.
  * Fixed match_array blows up if elements can't be sorted (Jeff
Dean). Closes #779.

* deprecations
  * BaseFormatter#add_example_group (use #example_group_started instead)
  * ExampleGroupProxy#backtrace (use #location instead)
  * ExampleProxy#backtrace (use #location instead)
  * BaseFormatter#example_pending now expects two arguments. The third
    argument is deprecated.
  * ExampleGroupProxy#filtered_description. This was only used in one place
    internally, and was a confusing solution to the problem. If you've got a
    custom formatter that uses it, you can just use
    ExampleGroupProxy#description and modify it directly.
  * predicate_matchers (use the new Matcher DSL instead)
  * Spec::Matchers.create (use Spec::Matchers.define instead)

* <http://rspec.info>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/rspec>
* <http://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/wikis>
* <rspec-devel@rubyforge.org>

Just tried it out. Something missed?


cat t.rb

describe ‘test’ do
it “should not fail” do
[‘A’].should include(‘A’)

spec -v

rspec 1.2.4

spec t.rb

NoMethodError in ‘test should not fail’
undefined method `helper’ for #Spec::Matchers::Matcher:0x66402c41


On Apr 15, 2009, at 10:18 AM, David Chelimsky wrote:

rspec version 1.2.4 has been released!

Be sure to check History.rdoc and Updgrade.rdoc at
http://rspec.rubyforge.org/rspec/1.2.4/ before upgrading.

Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.


Version 1.2.4

  • bug fix
  • just one - update the manifest

Version 1.2.3

  • enhancements

  • support for specifying single examples with colon syntax. Closes
    (Ben Mabey)

    • you can now say “spec some_spec.rb:12” in addition to “spec
      –line 12”
  • run specs locally with --drb if no drb server is running. Closes

    • still prints “No server running” to stderr
  • bug fixes

  • support expectations on DelegateClass (Clifford T. Matthews).
    Closes #48.

  • Fixed match_array blows up if elements can’t be sorted (Jeff
    Dean). Closes #779.

  • deprecations

  • BaseFormatter#add_example_group (use #example_group_started

  • ExampleGroupProxy#backtrace (use #location instead)

  • ExampleProxy#backtrace (use #location instead)

  • BaseFormatter#example_pending now expects two arguments. The third
    argument is deprecated.

  • ExampleGroupProxy#filtered_description. This was only used in one
    internally, and was a confusing solution to the problem. If
    you’ve got a
    custom formatter that uses it, you can just use
    ExampleGroupProxy#description and modify it directly.

  • predicate_matchers (use the new Matcher DSL instead)

  • Spec::Matchers.create (use Spec::Matchers.define instead)

  • http://rspec.info

  • http://rubyforge.org/projects/rspec

  • http://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/wikis

  • rspec-devel-GrnCvJ7WPxnNLxjTenLetw@public.gmane.org

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