[ANN] RMagick4J 0.3.7 Happy Birthmonth released

RMagick4J 0.3.7 Happy Birthmonth has been released!

RMagick is a Ruby binding to ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick. RMagick4J
implements ImageMagick functionality and the C portions of RMagick for
use with JRuby.

Current stable version: 0.3.7
Project URL: http://kenai.com/projects/rmagick4j
Installation: gem install rmagick4j

New effects:
· Charcoal
· Edge
· Implode
· Negate
· Normalize
· Shade
· Solarize
· Wave

(I think that's all that you need to use simple_captcha)

Major bugs resolved:

· blur_image produced different images from RMagick.
· Draw#push and Draw#pop didn't work correctly in some cases.

Furthermore, RMagick4J does not depend on jhlabs library anymore (the
gem has lost some weight!).

Thanks to:
· Tim Hunter and the ImageMagick team (obviously).
· JRuby community for its support.
· Everyone that has reported a bug, ask for help in the #jruby channel
or suggest a new library compatibility.

Please try out your applications with rmagick4j and help us provide
feedback (even birthmonth cake!). It is our goal to make a
fully-compatible implementation of RMagick4j in JRuby.

You have some image examples here: http://www.serabe.com/rmagick4j

This is a very special release, cause March is my birthmonth.

Happy Birthmonth to:
· SuperTaz
· everyone else whose birthmonth is march
· and me!


Serabe (Sergio R. Arbeo)



Serabe wrote:

This is a very special release, cause March is my birthmonth.

Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Serabe!


RMagick: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/